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Published April 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a pre-engineered storage facility in Newport, Oregon. Completed plans call for the demolition of a pre-engineered storage facility; and for site work for a pre-engineered storage facility.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS On behalf of the Lincoln County Solid Waste Consortium ("Consortium"), The Lincoln County Solid Waste District is requesting proposals for the destruction and removal of an antiquated steel building and its contents located at 8098 NE Avery St, Newport Oregon. The Consortium consists of Lincoln County, and the Cities of Newport, Lincoln City, Toledo, Siletz, and Depoe Bay. The contractor will perform all aspects of demolition, including utility coordination, permits (if required), mobilization, site preparation, safety inspection, demolition, sorting of materials, and any additional necessary aspects to render the site safe. Removal of recyclable materials to be performed by contractor. Removal of solid waste and concrete debris will be handled by franchised hauler is not a provision of this bid or of the future contract. Please Note: . Work is anticipated to begin no later than April 15, 2024. . Substantial completion to be completed on or before June 1, 2024 . Final Inspection to occur no sooner than August 15, 2024. . Final inspection must be completed to authorize Inspection Period Payment. . All work to be completed no later than September 15, 2024. Scope of Project: . Complete demolition of the steel structure. . Demolition of onsite compactor located inside the building. . Contractor to recover recyclable metals and load separately in container provided by Contractor, following best practices. (Reclaim value may be subject to contract price adjustment). . Demolition of all vertical concrete structures and loose concrete debris (Existing concrete pad to remain in place unless an imminent safety concern is identified). . Subject to filling the loading pit with concrete debris (see below), Contractor to crush concrete and locate at designated site for the local hauler to be able to load into drop boxes with local hauler's equipment. . Fill & compact loading pit in center of concrete pad with rock or onsite crushed concrete to bring pit to a level grade with surrounding concrete. . Separate and load residual solid waste materials (e.g., wood, drywall or insulation which may be found in the office area) into onsite drop boxes provided by Consortium. . Contract does not include contractor disposal or disposal costs - only the demolition and loading of materials. Communications and Questions during the RFP process Proposers shall address all inquiries, if any, to Paul Seitz, Solid Waste District Manager, not later than 7 days before the date of the opening of the proposals. Acceptance Unless otherwise specified by the Consortium, all Proposals submitted shall be binding for the Solid Waste Consortium's acceptance for ninety (90) days from the date of the Proposal opening. Submittal Requirements: Statement of Qualification: Contractor to provide a written statement they are Licensed, bonded and insured in the State of Oregon and qualified to perform the destruction of large steel structures. Contractor's statement must demonstrate experience and successful completion of similar demolition projects in the State of Oregon. Statement of Insurance: Contractor shall provide written proof of insurance and bonding for the scope of the project. A certificate of Insurance identifying Lincoln County Solid Waste Consortium as an additionally insured party will be required in any contract. Statement of Availability: Contractor is to provide a written statement of availability to perform work and meet both the Substantial Completion and Final Inspection deadlines. Work to be characterized as public works and subject to prevailing wages. Price: Contract is to be a lumpsum, payable within 30 days of invoice after completion. . Progress payment for substantial completion shall be established at 25% of the awarded contract price. . Inspection Period Payment shall be established at 75% of the awarded contract price. Evaluation Criteria Contractors will be evaluated based upon the following general Criteria: . Pass/Fail - Proposal Contains: o Statement of Qualifications ("SOQ") (preference 500 words or less) o Statement of Insurance with Lincoln County as an additionally insured o Statement of Availability . 25 Points o History of previous experience in similar projects . 25 Points o Understanding of Scope and requirements . 25 Points o Cost . 15 Points o Expedited delivery schedule prior to June 2024 . 10 Points o Statement of reclamation for recycling/reuse of materials removed by contractor False or Misleading Statements If, in the opinion of the Consortium, any SOQ contains false or misleading statements or references which do not support a function, attribute, capability or condition as contended by the Contractor(s), it shall be rejected. Proposal Rejections The District reserves the right to the following: . Reject any or all Proposals not in compliance with all public procedures and requirements; . Reject any Proposal(s) not meeting the specifications set forth herein; . Waive any and all irregularities in Proposals submitted; . Consider the competency of proposers in making any award; . Reject all Proposals; and . Award any and/or all parts of any Proposals Protests and Appeals An affected person may protest the solicitation process or award of this contract. Protests must be submitted in writing and delivered in the form and manner prescribed by the Oregon Attorney General's Contracting Rules. Award Process Notice of recommended award will be provided to all proposers and available by emailing solidwaste@co.lincoln.or.us (Request AWARD & RANKING in the Subject line). There is no guarantee the Consortium will ultimately enter into an agreement for these services. All final decisions on the bid acceptance and whether to proceed with the project will be made by the members of the Lincoln County Solid Waste Consortium. Selected Contractor the Consortium must enter into a written contract before any work is done under which Contractor claims compensation is due.


Warehouse / Distribution - Pre-Engineered Storage Building


Public - County

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 15, 2024

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8098 NE Avery St, Newport, OR

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