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Published April 16, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Site Address: 690 Cedar Street MN Judicial Center AHU 8 and 9 Fan Replacement A. The work will be done under one prime contract that includes: General, Mechanical, and Electrical construction. B. The following summary is a general guide to the scope of work. It should not be construed as a detailed list of work included in the contract. 1. Demo and replacement of the supply and return fans in AHU 8 and 9. 2. Upgrade AHU controls from pneumatic to DDC. 3. Apply new waterproof membrane to floor of AHU. 4. Add Fosters paint to interior of AHU. 5. New watertight rubber membrane to be installed on the interior of AHU floor. 6. New mold and fungal protective paint (Fosters Paint) to be applied to interior portions of AHU. 7. Apply new plenum rated insulation/caulking where previously removed. 8. Electrical modifications of new fans. 9. Fire alarm modifications for new fans. 10. Convert existing pneumatic controls to DDC and incorporate with Honeywell BAS system. Responding company has completed as a Prime Contractor or as a Subcontractor, the work for at least 1 contract which have achieved Substantial Completion since March 2013, for construction of air handling replacement work or similar work. Each of these contracts MUST have had a construction value of $250,000 or greater. Project Manager and Job Superintendent responsible for this project EACH has had at least 1 project of experience with air handler unit replacement work similar in scope and value to this project. Each of these contracts must have had a construction value of $250,000 or greater. This Project has a 5% Targeted Group, Economically Disadvantaged, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (TG/ED/VO) subcontracting goal. The TG/ED/VO subcontracting goal will not be a consideration in determining the lowest responsible Prime Contractor. All questions should be submitted no later than 3PM on March 14th, 2024. The State is not obligated toanswer questions submitted after the question due date and time.




Public - State/Provincial






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690 Cedar St, Saint Paul, MN

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