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Published May 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Morristown, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Reference Number 0000344097 The Scope of work includes the following work items: 1. Rehabilitation of the North wall of the Garage including removal of existing Elastomeric Paint, Sealing Cracks in Mortar, Patching Spalls and Repainting with Elastomeric Paint. 2. Construction of a Landscaping wall in front of the Garage Wall along with excavation and backfill. 3. Replacing the existing open armor joint at the entrances to the garage with new Armored Compression Seals, Removing and Replacing a portion of the slab on grade inside the garage at the New Armored Compression Seals at entrances to the garage including new reinforcement and Replacing the Concrete Aprons at the New Armored Compression Seals outside the entranceways to the garage. 4. Cleaning and Painting the Steel Door Frames and making steel repairs to the Door Frames at the entrances to the garage. 5. Cleaning and Painting Window Frames at the north Wall of the Garage 6. Testing, If and Where Directed. 7. Health and Safety Requirements for removal, handling and disposal of waste due to the results of Testing performed. 7. Replacing the existing concrete Sidewalk at the entrance to the office building and replacing the timber curb with a new landscaping wall along the new concrete sidewalk. 8. Seal the existing open joint along the inside face of the north wall of the garage with a backing rod and hot poured asphalt sealant. Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the County of Morris and marked with the name and address of the Bidder and the Contract Title and Number. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) (not to exceed $20,000.00) of the total bid, payable to the County of Morris, as a guarantee that if the contract is awarded to the Bidder they will enter into a contract and provide the necessary bonds, and insurance as required by the County and the Division of Risk Management. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond, Payment Bond and Maintenance Bond as specified in the Contract Documents. EACH BID MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH A CONSENT OF SURETY which states that the surety company will provide the Bidder with the performance bond specified in the Contract Documents in the event the Bidder is awarded the Contract. Question Acceptance Deadline 03/13/2024 12:00 AM EDT Questions are submitted online No




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March 27, 2024

April 26, 2024


101 Western Ave, Morristown, NJ

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