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Published May 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a civil project in Woodbury, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Woodbury PFAS Removal Pressure Vessel System Pre-Selection Incorporated into the design of the Woodbury Water Treatment Plant construction (Project) is a Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) removal pressure vessel system (System) that will be used for the removal of PFAS from the City's raw groundwater supply. The System will include the following System Supplier scope: Lead-lag dual pressure vessel skids, self-supported pipe and valve racks, isolation valves with manual and electric actuators, pressure gauges, sample ports, air relief valves, and pressure relief valves as shown on the Drawings and as included within the Specifications. Additionally, System Supplier shall provide a minimum of one (1) field superintendent to supervise and assist the onsite assembly of the System as well as assisting with media loading, start-up operations, and other requirements listed in the Specifications. System Supplier shall be responsible for coordinating and payment for shipping and handling of the System to the Site and applicable state and local taxes, fees, insurance, and other government charges. System installation will be completed by others. The System does not include: o Water treatment plant building construction and regulatory or building permits. o Piping or valves beyond the limits of System Supplier's scope or work. o Concrete pads and anchorage materials and equipment required for System installation. o PFAS adsorptive granular activated carbon (GAC) media. o Site work and underground utilities required for the Project. o Mechanical construction related to the Project. o Electrical and Instrumentation and Controls construction related to the Project. o Any other items not specifically identified by the Contract Documents. Owner intends to pre-select a System based on the Bids received, including pre-negotiation of a System contract bid price, and System shop drawing review and approval, prior to Contractor bidding of the Project for facility construction and System installation therein. The selected System Supplier will be incorporated into the Contract Documents for the Project as the only approved product and System Supplier's pre-negotiated System bid price will be included in the Project Bid Form for use by all bidding Contractors. The Contract created between the Owner and the System Supplier will be transferred to the Contractor upon successful Contractor bidding of the Project. Final coordination for procurement, fabrication, delivery, and installation of the System shall be part of the overall Project construction process and responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate. Bid Security: Each Bid shall be accompanied by a Bidder's Bond executed by the Bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, payable to the City of Woodbury, in a sum equal to five (5) percent of the full amount of the Bid. This is to serve as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a Contract within 15 calendar days of Notice of Award in accordance with the terms of the principal's Bond and a contractor's Bond as required by law and the regulations and determinations of the governing board for the performances of such System Work. Only Bids that are accompanied by such a Bond will be considered. Bidder must be licensed for the full amount of the Bid. No Bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to bond and license. Project Funding: This Project is funded by the 3M and State of Minnesota Settlement Agreement. As such, the State of Minnesota prevailing wage requirements (Minnesota Statutes, Sections 177.41 through177.44) apply to this Project. Payment of the wages, fringe benefits, and overtime rates that are most beneficial to the employees are required. Bidder shall cooperate with the Owner to respond to any reasonable requests by the State of Minnesota within the scope of the grant agreements entered into between the State of Minnesota and the Owner for use of the 3M Settlement Funds for the Project including providing data, information, or reports or requests for meetings (onsite, offsite, in person, or remote). Owner's Rights Reserved: All Bids will be made on the basis of cash payment for such Work. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, waive any informalities in the Bids received, and further reserves the right to award the Contract in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to hold the three (3) lowest Bids for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) calendar days after the date of Bid opening. Completion of System Work: Bidder shall coordinate design requirements for the System with Engineer within 15 calendar days of issuing the Notice to Proceed. This information will be used to finalize the water treatment facility design documents by Engineer. Design requirements include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Materials of construction for vessels and pipe systems. b. System layout and configuration with not-to-exceed dimensions and weights. c. Electrical interconnection requirements. d. Controls and instrumentation design. e. Alarm system design. Initial Shop Drawings shall be provided to Engineer by System Supplier within 30 calendar days of issuing the Notice to Proceed. Upon receipt of comments from the Engineer, System Supplier shall provide updated submittals to Engineer for review within 10 business days for subsequent submittal revisions. The final procurement and fabrication of the System shall be coordinated between the System Supplier and the Contractor upon Contractor bidding of the Project and transfer of the System contract from Owner to the Contractor. The storage and delivery of any System components shall be the responsibility of the System Supplier prior to and including delivery of the System to the Project site. Contractor shall be responsible for unloading and storing delivered System components at the Project site. System Supplier shall be responsible to coordinate with Contractor delivery of the entire System to the Project site as early as September 1, 2025 and as late as May 31, 2026 for Contractor to incorporate System in the Construction Work. Actual delivery, installation, and start-up dates shall be coordinated between the System Supplier and the Contractor. Partial deliveries of the System may or may not be needed. The Project is scheduled for Contractor bidding in approximately August 2024. The Project is anticipated to be substantially completed by Contractor by December 2027 and ready for final payment to Contractor on or before June 2028. Substantial and final completion dates may be subject to change upon successful bidding of the Project. Payments to System Supplier prior to transfer of the System Contract to Contractor shall be coordinated through Owner. Progress and final payments to System Supplier upon transfer of the System Contract to the Contractor shall be coordinated through Contractor. Substitute and "Or-Equal" (or "Prior Approved Equivalent") Items Bidders shall submit a qualification package at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of receipt of Bids for each proposed "Prior Approved Equivalent" manufacturer or supplier not already listed as an acceptable or approved "manufacturer" or "suppler" in the specifications, which the Bidder proposes to furnish. Refer to Section 00 26 00 - Procurement Substitution Procedures for the required procedures for proposing substitute items by manufacturers or suppliers not listed in the specifications. Failure to furnish the qualifications package as outlined in Section 00 26 00 - Procurement Substitution Procedures at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of receipt of Bids shall be cause for rejection of a proposed alternate item for us on this Project.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work





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To Be Determined, Woodbury, MN

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