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Renovation of an educational facility in Palo Alto, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

***As of April 11, 2024. Project has not been awarded yet. Project Number - B2203471.000, 9813.00, 125373 The project consists of HVAC equipment replacement with power infrastructure improvements on selected buildings at JLS Middle School, 480 East Meadow Dr. Palo Alto, CA. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irregularity in any bid received. If the District awards the Contract, the security of unsuccessful bidder(s) shall be returned within sixty (60) days from the time the award is made. Unless otherwise required by law, no bidder may withdraw its bid for ninety (90) days after the date of the bid opening. All questions can be addressed to: Palo Alto Unified School District 25 Churchill Avenue, Building D Palo Alto, CA 94306-1099 Attn: Jesse Hildebrandt Cell Phone: (714) 293-7456 Email: To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California contractors' license(s): Bid request A for Increment I & Increment II Electrical scope- A, B, or Specialty license C-10 Bid request B for Increment III HVAC Scope- A, B, or Specialty License C-20. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Payment Bond if it is awarded the Contract for the Work. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irregularity in any bid received. If the District awards the Contract, the security of unsuccessful bidder(s) shall be returned within sixty (60) days from the time the award is made. Unless otherwise required by law, no bidder may withdraw its bid for ninety (90) days after the date of the bid opening. Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20111.6, only prequalified bidders will be eligible to submit a bid for contracts $1 million or more using or planning to use state bond funds. Any bid submitted by a bidder who is not prequalified shall be non-responsive and returned unopened to the bidder. Moreover, any bid listing subcontractors holding C-4, C-7, C- 16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 or C-46 licenses who have not been prequalified shall be deemed nonresponsive. The minimum threshold for prequalified bidders is as follows for this specific project: General Contractor $1,000,000, HVAC $1,000,000, and Electrical $500,000. Question Deadline 03/12/2024




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March 26, 2024

April 26, 2024


480 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto, CA

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