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Published March 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The University of Arkansas Fayetteville, in accordance with the policies of the Board of Trustees, is soliciting responses from qualified firms to provide general contractor construction management services for new residence halls in the Maple Hill district - central and north sites. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Background. In August 2023, the university hired a consultant team to conduct a needs assessment for student housing on campus. The University Housing Growth Study, completed in February 20241 , is intended to help the university better position its student life offerings in the face of enrollment growth that has outpaced the university's ability to accommodate students in on-campus housing. Among its other conclusions, the study identified a current undergraduate demand for over 2200 additional beds, with an immediate need to build over 1200 beds for freshmen. Based on market-tested room rates and a survey of student preferences, the study recommended the new beds be configured as traditional double rooms with communal baths. In concert with university staff, the consultant team studied several sites to see how these initial beds could be accommodated within the existing scale and character of campus. Two sites in the Maple Hill district were selected that can potentially hold up to 1400 beds, depending on building configuration, height, amount of common space, student amenities, etc. Two projects. In order to effectively manage the scale and complexity of design and construction, as well as respond to the differing challenges of the two sites, the university will select two design and construction teams for separate projects--one project at Maple Hill central site and another at Maple Hill north site. Based on site characteristics and funding constraints, the university will develop up to 1400 beds across the two sites. While the two are separate projects, the design and construction of both will run roughly in parallel so that the university can determine the best balance of student rooms and amenities between the two projects. The sites. The Maple Hill district sits at the northwest corner of central campus, and holds several academic buildings, the university health center, a dining hall, and nine residence halls totaling 2557 beds. Maple Hill north site is located at the north edge of the district, fronting onto Cleveland Street--a clear town-gown edge that separates campus from the neighborhood to the north. The project site is flat and square, bordered on the west by a four-story residence hall, on the south by a nine-story 1960s high-rise residence hall, and on the east by a parking lot that will someday be redeveloped for academic use. Dining. Maple Hill currently has two dining options: Fulbright Dining Hall--a traditional dining hall that serves most of the district's demand--and a small retail venue. It is likely that another retail dining venue will be needed to accommodate the increase in demand. The location and size of the new venue will be determined during the design process. DUAL SELECTION PROCESS The university will select two construction manager/general contractors via a single selection process. Respondents should prepare a single Statement of Qualifications, from which the university will shortlist five teams. Based on interviews of those teams, the selection committee will make two separate recommendations to the Board of Trustees--one for the central site, and one for the north site. Site assignment will be made by the committee based on project insights demonstrated by each team during their interview presentation. PROJECT COST Estimates for the total project costs for both projects, shown below, were developed as part of the University Housing Growth Study, and represent a potential range based on the number of beds, to be vetted during the design process: Maple Hill north site: $117-129 million General contractors and design consultants will work with a university building committee, an independent third-party commissioning agent, and Facilities Management to advance campus master planning and design principles, as well as sustainability requirements. interviews of shortlisted firms April 9 Board of Trustees selection announced May 23 contract negotiations June-July 2024 design starts August 2024 construction starts August 2025 project complete May 2027 The University of Arkansas Board of Trustees has expressed a clear preference for construction teams that include an Arkansas contractor. Please note that this will be considered during the selection process. Format requirements: Printed responses should be no larger than 8.5in x 11in, limited to 50 sheets maximum (100 pages), fully recyclable (i.e. no plastic covers, plastic tabs, etc.) and bound with glue, staples, or thread (i.e. perfect bound, saddle stitching, etc.). No metal or plastic coils allowed. Responses that do not meet these requirements will be disqualified. Please send a digital copy of the response via email to kristenk@uark.edu in addition to the printed booklets. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, respondents should not communicate with university faculty or staff about this project. This document provides the relevant information for assembling a Statement of Qualifications. If you have questions about the selection process or the project scope, you can send them via email to kristenk@uark.edu.




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March 19, 2024

August 1, 2025


Cleveland St, Fayetteville, AR

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