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Published March 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Batavia, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The above reference Solicitation is amended as follows: The RFP is amended to notify potential bidders of delay in project start. This RFP will be for the time being withdrawn until a revised start time is determined. This project intends to repair existing Porch and Deck's to same dimensions at multiple locations, but with Composite Decking material for longer lasting life. A Pre-Proposal Meeting and Site Visit are scheduled for 10:00 AM Central Time, March 7, 2024, at Wilson Hall West Lobby Entrance. The meeting provides an opportunity to discuss and clarify the RFP. However, nothing said or represented in the meeting shall be deemed to modify RFP requirements unless followed by a written amendment. Offerors are requested to submit questions relative to the RFP in advance of the meeting so the Procurement Specialist may prepare responses. Offerors' participation at this meeting is strongly recommended. Except those already having a badge or being chaperoned, anyone attending the Pre-Proposal Meeting and Site Visit is required to fill out an Access Request form (see link below) at least seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled date and preferably be a U.S. Citizen. Onsite access approvals are dependent on citizenship status and the location(s) being visited. In addition, please review the Special Pre-Proposal Meeting/Site Visit Instructions and Directions provided as part of the RFP. https://fermi.servicenowservices.com/expert_shell.dosysparm_sys_id=63f9f6a8dbd148104e65ff621f 961975. Upon request approval, the individual will receive an informal invitation letter with a QR code, which is required to be presented at the security gate, otherwise, access to Fermilab will be denied. When checking in at the Security Gate House, the individual will be required to present a Valid Driver's License (Real ID) and the informal invitation letter with the QR code, and the Visitor and Business Visitor Attestation Form. If the Driver's License is not Real ID compliant, the appropriate REAL ID documents (https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/identification) are required. If the Covid 19 Community Level is classified as "High," masks will be required to be worn. In these cases, KN-95 or N-95 masks are recommended. Unfiltered cloth masks are not permitted to be worn alone but can be worn over a Level 2 medical mask (double mask). For Covid 19-Commuity Levels, please click on the link, https://eshq.fnal.gov/covid-19-community-levels/



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 21, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Batavia, IL

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Deck and Porch Maintenance and Repair

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