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Published April 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Sandy, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Questions Deadline: 3/13/2024 08:00 PM (MT) The purpose of this Request for Bid is to solicit competitive bids from qualified contractors for construction services at Eastmont Middle (Re-Roof Contract) for Canyons School District (CSD). It is anticipated that this RFB may result in a contract awarded to a qualified contractor for services as defined further in the solicitation. This RFB is designed to provide interested contractors with sufficient basic information to submit bids meeting minimum requirements, but is not intended to limit a bid's content or exclude any relevant or essential data. All bid preparation costs and any associated activities related to this RFB are the sole responsibility of the contractor. CSD has partnered with MHTN to assist with the project specifications and Construction Administration. They will be assisting us in reviewing the bid proposals after closing and choosing the best contractor for the project. When using Utah State Contract pricing, please reference the contract number. All solicitation responses must be submitted electronically through Ion Wave. Eligibility Requirements The proposing Supplier must be properly licensed to do business in the State of Utah. Contractors must bid one of these approved products; Sarnafil S327 80, Carlisle Sure-Flex 80 mil (2.0 mm), Versico 80 mil, or Johns Manville 80 mil thermoplastic membrane with polyester reinforcement roofing membrane materials. No other product will be considered. Contract must indicate in the bid notes what product is being bid. Companies must be in business at least 5 years. Companies must be able to meet the deadlines provided by the district. Contractor must attend the mandatory pre-bid meeting and review the site with the consultant and CSD staff. General Information A. Inquiries All inquiries relative to this RFB must be submitted through Ion Wave and will be answered through and Ion Wave up to the Q & A deadline. B. RFB Award When the award is made, it will be posted in Ion Wave. In the event that the RFB is canceled after the closing date, that information will be posted on Ion Wave as well. C. Right of Rejection CSD reserves the right to reject the low bid if the products bid are not equal to or better than the items listed on the Price Schedule and/or are not acceptable in appearance, durability, and performance (applicable if samples are requested and evaluated). D. Contract Period This agreement shall commence on the date of the RFB award by the Board of Education and continue until the completion of the project. E. Contract Pricing The contract will be a Firm Fixed Price Contract. Consideration for Construction Contingency will need to be presented and approved in writing. F. Oral Presentations An oral presentation by the proposing Supplier to expand on their submitted proposal may be required. Please review the blueprints and start asking questions as soon as possible. The window between the pre-bid and the questions closing is pretty tight based on our requirements for our Board meeting. Bid Bond If the bid is greater than $50,000.00, bid security is required in the amount of 5% from an authorized agency or a satisfactory surety company. Bid security shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will execute the contract if awarded. Performance Bond Contractors providing services for Canyons School District (CSD) projects of $80,000.00 or more must provide a performance and payment bond prior to the commencement of work. Bonding costs incurred shall be paid by the Contractor with CSD listed as the claimant. Upon receipt of bid acceptance, the bidder agrees to execute the contract within fourteen (14) days and deliver the Performance and Payment Bond to CSD in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the general construction contract price. If a contractor fails to deliver the required payment bond, the contractor's bid or offer will be rejected, its bid security may be enforced, and award of the contract shall be made to the responsible bidder with the next lowest responsive bid or highest ranked offer. Substantial Completion Substantial Completion Date: THIS WILL BE DISCUSSED AT THE PRE-BID MEETING




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10100 S 1300 E, Sandy, UT

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