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Published March 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Detroit, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Detroit Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) on behalf of the General Services Department requests quotes from qualified suppliers to provide weed/grass cutting and debris removal services for the City of Detroit for a five (5) year period. QUESTIONS DUE All questions must be submitted online in the Supplier Portal QUESTION DEADLINE Friday, March 1, 2024 If you have any questions, please send an email to procurementinthecloud@detroitmi.gov or call (313) 224-4600. selected Bidder(s) will provide support to the Detroit General Services Department for a five (5) year contract term. It is the intent of this Contract to provide for the abatement of nuisances related to overgrown weeds as provided for in Ordinance NO. 38-04 Chapter 57 Article V Sections 57-5-1, 2, 3(a)(b)(c) and 57-5-4 of the Detroit City Code. This will be accomplished using experienced and properly equipped Bidders to provide weed/grass cutting and debris removal services for the General Services Department (GSD), at various locations in the City of Detroit, as awarded by district(s) or zone(s) herein specified. The City of Detroit anticipates up to five (5) cuttings within the Contract year, but this number is NOT guaranteed. Based on five cuts; the first (1st) cut shall begin on or about the last full week of April 2024 and shall be completed approximately 35 calendar days after start date; the second (2nd) cut shall begin on or about the last week of May 2024 and shall be completed approximately 35 calendar days after start date; the third (3rd) cut shall begin on or about the first week of July 2024 and shall be completed approximately 42 calendar days after start date; the fourth (4th) cut shall begin on or about the 2nd full week of August 2024 and shall be completed approximately 42 calendar days after start date; and the fifth (5th) cut shall begin on or about the last full week of September and shall be completed approximately 42 calendar days after start. The City reserves the right to eliminate or modify cuttings, or alter the time allowed for cuttings or starting/ending dates. Approved schedules shall commence upon Notice to Proceed only. The City reserves the right to modify the above scope of work to windowpane (cutting of the berm and six (6) to fifteen (15) feet deep on the lot edge), specific routes or blocks within a district, or specific/special areas within a district. Compensation shall be based on actual square feet serviced. After cutting any lot, weeds/grass and other vegetation shall be no higher than four (4) inches. No clippings, plant material or other debris shall be permitted to remain on sidewalks, streets or maintained property adjacent to the property mowed longer than forty-eight (48) hours, but preferably, twenty-four (24) hours. Should the Bidder fail to keep up with the work, as required by the Contract, the City reserves the rights to hire additional Bidders to satisfactorily complete the assignment. The work completed by the additional Bidders shall be subtracted from the area specified in the original Contract, and compensation made accordingly. Any Bidder caught dumping bulk, debris, rubbish, or litter on any illegal disposal site, shall have their Contract immediately terminated and issued violation tickets to appear in 36th District Court and/or the Department of Administrative Hearings and their adjudication authority. At the time of award, the City reserves the right to reduce the number of lots/mow zones within a district to be cut by the Bidder and assign responsibility for cutting those lots/mow zones to a nonprofit Community Organization or other City agency. Such a change in the quantity of area to be serviced will be accompanied by an adjustment in the contract price based on the price per square foot stated in the Bidder's bid.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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