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Published March 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a swimming pool; and for site work for a swimming pool.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION This pool is actively used by residents and neighboring communities, including Buffalo, Liverpool, Juniata and Snyder Townships. People from Selinsgrove to Duncannon are seasonal pool members or day swimmers and visit the playgrounds. The area also includes soccer and ballfields that bring players and families from miles away who enjoy the other aspects of the park where the pool is located. This project includes renovating the existing bathrooms and bringing them into ADA compliance which will add to its popularity. This project proposes various improvements to the Jan A. Deitzler Memorial Pool. The main elements of the project include: o Replace skimmer boxes. o Excavate and replace skimmer lines with new piping and connections. o General grading and landscaping. o Replace stop valves in all main pool lines. o Replace filter tanks, plumbing and media. o Replace needed pumps and plumbing. o Install new chlorine chemical distribution system. o Install flow meters and multi-port valves. o Install CO2 controller. o Remove existing plumbing, drywall, dividers, and lockers within existing bathrooms. o Install steel panels on the wall and ceilings of both bathrooms. o Install new plumbing lines and fixtures. o Replace four windows within the bathrooms. o Install four new commodes, one urinal, two sinks, and two showers in the bathrooms. o Install privacy dividers around commodes and at the entrance into the bathrooms. o One commode in each bath will be ADA compliant. o Paint walls, doors, and floors with two coats of paint. o Install vinyl soffit on ceilings o Remove and replace 2 exterior bathroom doors and one door in kitchen w/locsets. o Remove and replace 2 exterior doors on pump house w/locksets. o Remove and replace vinyl fence railing around pool slide. A Google map aerial view is included in this RFP for reference. PROJECT DESIGN Perry County, after consultation with LARA, will select the engineering firm to provide professional services that include: o Preliminary Engineering and Final Design of proposed project improvements. o Provide construction drawings sealed by a qualified, licensed professional. o Provide technical specifications and bid documents IAW industry standards. o Assist Perry County and LARA to successfully advertise and bid the projects. o Provide Construction Engineering/Observation Services. The Engineer shall prepare all necessary design plans, drawings, and specifications to be used for the construction of the improvements, and should be complete in detail and contain all necessary information. Drawings shall conform with standard professional practice, including site plans, profiles and sections, and all details necessary to illustrate the complete interest and scope of the work. The Engineer shall investigate any existing systems affected by the proposed project, identifying options, and advising Perry County and LARA in the most appropriate method of modifying the systems as part of the design effort. Plans and specifications should be prepared in a manner that allows for portions of the project to be added or deleted with minimal effort and project disruption should such changes become necessary. Hand delivered to the Veterans Memorial Building (Commissioners' Office) located at 25 West Main Street, New Bloomfield PA 17068 Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 PM prevailing time, April 5, 2024. Proposals that are faxed or e-mailed to Perry County cannot be accepted. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by Perry County and LARA. The evaluation will include the following areas: 6 o Quality of the proposal relative to effectively addressing the needs described in the Request for Proposals. o Relevant experience and past performance. o Quality of previous work. o Adequacy of resources/record of completing projects on time. o Cost Note: Cost is only one of several criteria to be considered in evaluating proposal The Liverpool Area Recreation Association, Inc (LARA) proposes to use a recently approved Local Share Account (LSA) grant award of $233,450 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to design and construct various improvements to the Jan A. Deitzler Memorial Pool. This grant does not require any matching funds The following narrative outlines the major responsibilities of the proposers. These responsibilities include the entire project from design to final inspection. It should be recognized by all proposers that the Scope of Services included herewith might exclude some minor, incidental Engineering responsibilities not currently identifiable. Questions regarding this proposal should be directed to: Martin Roland, Treasurer Liverpool Area Recreation Association, Inc P.O. Box 453 Liverpool, PA 17045 Email: MCRoland54@yahoo.com Phone: 814-599-8649


Swimming Pools


Public - County

Renovation, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, New Bloomfield, PA

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RFP D/B - Jan A. Deitzler Memorial Pool

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