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Site work and new construction of a service station / car wash facility in Baltimore, Maryland. Completed plans call for the construction of a service station / car wash facility; and for site work for a service station / car wash facility.

PROPOSALS, in response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the solicitation listed below will be received by the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) until 5 pm on the date specified below. The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) hereby notifies all Offerors that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority/disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this notice and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, sexual identity, genetic information or disability in consideration for an award. Minority/disadvantaged business enterprises are encouraged to respond to this solicitation. On Federally assisted projects, the offeror's attention is called to the Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications (Executive Order 11246) which is a part of the contract proposal. All of these activities shall be done in accordance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended. Counties: Statewide Project Classification: C Funding: Federal Description: The SHA is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Design-Build contracts, as defined in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 21.05.11 and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 636, to design (including provide rights to the site location on private property), construct, operate, and maintain electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. These Contracts will be procured using the "Competitive Sealed Proposals" procurement method as defined in COMAR 21.05.03. The SHA intends to make multiple best value awards. It is SHA's intention to obtain the work, as specified in the RFP, from a Contract between the selected Offeror(s) and the Administration. The Contract shall be valid for a six (6) year period from the date of the first Notice to Proceed (NTP)-1, consisting of up to one (1) year for the design and construction (including power and data service) for the EV charging site (Project Site) to be fully operational for end users and five (5) years for operations and maintenance (O&M) for each EV charging site. Minimum wage rates for each Project, if applicable, have been pre-determined by law and are set forth in the RFP. In accordance with State Finance and Procurement Title 13 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, no bid, performance or payment bonds are required for bids less than $100,000.00. However, bids $100,000.00 and above will not be considered unless a Bid Security is submitted as outlined in the RFP. Bid Security shall equal at least five percent (5%) of the total amount bid. Also, the successful proposer(s) will be required to supply Payment and Performance Bonds for all Contracts in excess of $100,000.00. The SHA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.


Service Station / Car Wash


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Baltimore, MD

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