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Published March 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Houston, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The University of Houston System ("University") comprises the largest Texas state institution system of higher education located in an urban, metropolitan environment. The UH System's research and scholarship is globally significant, nationally competitive, and serve as an engine for economic development, while its public service activities enhance the quality of life in the region. The UH System offers undergraduate and graduates degree programs in a variety of disciplines; courses are conducted throughout most of the calendar year. The student population of the University of Houston ("University" or "Owner") is comprised of over 46,000 students. The University of Houston employs approximately 2,700 faculty members and 4,000 staff members. The other component universities, in surrounding areas, include: the University of Houston-Clear Lake, located in the far southeast Houston-area, which has a student population of approximately 9,000 students, 800 faculty and 600 staff members; the University of Houston-Downtown, located in downtown Houston, which has approximately 14,000 students, 750 faculty and 600 staff members; and the University of Houston-Victoria is located approximately 100 miles southwest of Houston and serves over 4,300 students, 200 faculty and 300 staff members. The University invites you to submit a proposal to provide Industrial and Commercial Mechanical Services in support of UH Campus Infrastructure. Mechanical services will include those services required to test, repair, maintain and replace components and systems related to HVAC, Ventilation, Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Systems. Question Deadline 03/08/2024 at 5:00 PM CT Any questions or concerns regarding this RFP shall be directed to: Hasan Jamil, Sr. Buyer, purfpc@central.uh.edu Any contract resulting from this RFP will become effective upon the later of the effective date indicated in the contract or the date that all parties have signed the contract. The expected term of the contract will be three (3) years with the option to renew for additional one or two year terms, not to exceed five (5) total contract years. The University reserves the right to negotiate a modification of contract terms and schedules as necessary. The University has the right to cancel for default all or part of the undelivered portions of this Contract if the Contractor breaches any of the terms including warranties of Contractor or if the Contractor becomes insolvent or commits acts of bankruptcy. Such right of cancellation is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies which the University may have in law or equity. The HUB Subcontracting Goal for this project is 32.9%. Event Bid description: University will accept proposals by the Proposal Submittal Deadline and HSP Submittal deadline per Section 2.6 with both submitted in separate envelopes and then opened on the HSP due date and time. Do Not Use U. S. Postal Service in submitting your bid. Each Proposal must be submitted as one (1) package with two (2) individually sealed envelopes inside. The proposal documents, attachments, execution of offer, and any other information must be included in one envelope with a copy on USB. Two (2) copies of the proposal must be included. The completed HUB Subcontracting Plan must be in the second envelope with a copy on USB. One (1) copy of the HSP must be included. Note: All Electronic Documents Must Be Submitted In Pdf Format & Attached To Bid Response. The materials submitted must be enclosed in a sealed envelope (box or container); the package must show clearly the submittal deadline, and the name and the return address of the Respondent must be clearly visible.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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