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Published March 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Clare, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

There are two sections on the Pere Marquette Rail-Trail up for sealcoating and crack filling. Section A; the first portion to be sealcoated and crack fill begins at the west side of Isabella Road and proceeds northwesterly to Industrial Drive. All asphalt is 14' wide unless otherwise noted. The road intersection approach at Isabella Rd also includes a widened area of asphalt, approximately 23' wide by 36' long. The intersection approach at Industrial Drive does not widen, however there is a 10' section of asphalt between the concrete pads. These measurements are actual distances between the concrete approaches at each intersection and do not include the County Road surfaces, the concrete approaches at each road intersection and the approximate 234 feet span of the concrete tunnel underpass of the 127 expressway, which are not part of this project. Total calculated asphalt area for Section A is approximately 22,518 sq. ft. (7,506 sq. yds.). Section B; the second portion to be sealcoated, crack fill and transitional improvement is located at the pedestrian bridge on the Pere Marquette Rail-Trail approximately 210 yards west of the Loomis Trailhead. The asphalt widens to 17 feet at the bridge. Due to the trail sinking overtime, there is a hazardous bump on either side of the bridge that needs to be repaired for a smoother transition; along with multiple 1-2inch cracks running across the bridge. The bridge is 22' long by 17' wide, with approximately 2' approach on both ends to make the smoother transition. As well as the northwest, northeast and southeast corners of the asphalt to be expanded out towardsthe wooden rail; to improve run-off of water away from the bridge foundation to prevent future erosion. The expansion areas are approximately 2' by 3' area (6 sq yards) each, for 18 sq yards. Total calculated asphalt area for Section B is approximately 477 sq. ft. (159 sq. yrds.). Total calculated asphalt area for the entire project is approximately 22,995 sq. ft. (7,665 sq. yds.).


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 15, 2024

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Pere-Marquette Rail-Trail of Mid-Michigan, Clare, MI

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