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Published April 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Prescott, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

This project consists of providing all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, and incidentals for completely removing the three (3) existing water heater tanks and replacing them with tankless water heaters, to replace the drywall that was removed which is to include matching the wall texture and painting the walls, to replace the HVAC unit on the two-story dispatch building, to add fusible disconnects on all eight (8) HVAC units, to diagnose issue with the Fire alarm, to remove old fire panel box and remount the smaller fire panel box properly, to drywall around the smaller fire panel box including matching the wall texture and paint the wall, to remove existing smoke, heat and duct detectors and install new detectors throughout the building, to re-caulk around the windows in the upstairs tanker base office, to replace the door frames, doors and hardware of 5 existing doors, to replace the relay switches that control the six (6) vents on the roof of the cache warehouse and ensure the vents open and close properly, to remove and replace 64 12-volt batteries in the uninterrupted power supply unit located in the server room adjacent to the dispatch office, to remove and replace the six (6) HVAC units on the main portion of the building, and to re-coat the interior and exterior of the 46,000 gallon water storage tank. Period of Performance: 04/08/2024 to 08/08/2025 This building was built in 1991; consists of a 19,500-sf warehouse and a 32,456-sf main building. Both portions of this building are occupied by Forest Service employees and is a vital facility for wildland fire fighting efforts. During the fire season (typically midApril to mid-July) there could be as many as 150 employees working in this building. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Fire / Police


Public - Federal


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 8, 2024

May 8, 2024


2400 Melville Rd, Prescott, AZ

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