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Published March 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Marion, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

**NOTE** The SF 330 Request document has been revised to correct an error concerning the evaluation criteria. The previous version has been removed and replaced with the revised version dated 8 March 2024. This is a request for SF 330s for the AE Renovate Quarters 102 project at the Marion Campus of the Northern IN VA Healthcare System. All interested firms are encouraged to submit SF 330s for consideration. The VA Northern Indiana Healthcare System, Marion Campus, is requesting SF 330 submissions from qualified Architect/Engineer (AE) Firms for the subject project. All interested firms are encouraged to submit SF 330s to Jeffery.hairston@va.gov by 2:00pm (local time) Friday, April 19, 2024. Please see below for information concerning this project, including the anticipated selection criteria. 1. Scope of Work The Architect/Engineer (A/E) firm shall furnish professional services for 100% design to renovate living quarters 102 at VA Northern Indiana Health Care System, Marion Campus, 1700 E. 38th Street, Marion, IN 46953. The design will include Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction/Bid Documents per the A/E Design Submission Instructions Documents, Construction Administration Services, Technical Specifications and Cost Estimates. The Building Quarters 102 renovation shall be designed to accommodate the following functions based on the guides, manuals and planning criteria: 1. 1st Floor i. Living Quarters ii. Restroom(s) iii. Kitchen(s) 2. 2nd Floor i. Living Quarters 3. Roof B. Special items to consider for this project: The VA will provide the A/E the results of the most recent facility lead and asbestos inspection report. The A/E will use this report and their inspections to determine areas to be remediated. i. The abatement of all lead and asbestos in the area shall be included in the design. C. The Schematic Design shall include a comprehensive study, inspection and report of the existing project area conditions, which shall include: HVAC, electrical, architectural components, plumbing, fire protection, asbestos, etc. . D. The abatement of all asbestos in the area shall be included in the design. E. A/E shall provide a preliminary construction duration time for planning purposes. This information shall be communicated to all bidders for their review and inclusion within their bids. It shall be communicated within the bid documents that the contractor will be required to review and provide any concerns regarding the projected construction duration. F. A/E shall develop and provide schedules of equipment and furniture necessary to activate and operate the room/areas located in the project area. G. A/E will be responsible for complete functional design and provide biddable documents meeting all the requirements. The VA Technical Information Library (TIL) available at http://www.cfm.va.gov/til/index.asp is managed by the VA Office of Construction and Facility Management. It is the master repository for all VA Numbered Standards for Construction to include design and construction specifications, procedures, standard details, BIM/CAD standards, equipment guides, space planning and design guides. The documents of the TIL shall be the minimum design criteria for all VA projects performed in the construction of new facilities and the modernization, alteration, addition, or improvement of its real property. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.




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April 18, 2025


1700 E 38th St, Marion, IN

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