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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Opaskwayak, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000266089 Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/03/29 03:00:00 PM CDT Pricing Lump sum The purpose of the request for proposal is to ensure the provision of a reliable and safe supply of water. As a public water system, the Town of The Pas is required to perform an assessment of the source water, treatment equipment, and distribution infrastructure every five years in accordance with Section 9(1) of the Drinking Water Safety Act. The assessment will focus on the ability of a public water system to produce water that meets acceptable standards on a reliable basis and provide recommendations on changes or upgrades in instances where there are deficiencies. General Information The Town of the Pas Water Treatment Plant is Located at "67 Edwards Avenue". The Town Constructed and Commissioned Its Present Water Supply and Treatment Facilities in 1971. Significant Upgrades to the Treatment Process and Equipment Were Completed in 1971, 1999, 2002 and 2010. The Town of the Pas Water System Also Provides Water to Some Rm of Kelsey Residents (Truck Haul) and Pipe Distribution to 80+ Ocn Resident. The Current Population of the Town of the Pas is 5,639 (2021 Census). The Town of the Pas Drinking Water Plant is Currently Serving a Population of Approximately 6000. The Town of the Pas Water Treatment Plant Includes, An Intake on the Saskatchewan River; A Raw Water Wet Well With Electric Drive Vertical Turbine Pumps and a Concrete Superstructure; Potassium Permanganate Feeder to Reduce Toc and to Control Taste and Odour; A Plant Utilizing Coagulation With Alum and a Polymer (Klaraid); Polyfloc is Also Added Where the Water Enters the Primary Mixing Zone to Further Promote Flocculation; Combined Flocculation and Clarification in Two Concrete Solid Contact Units (Scu) Utilizing Degremont-infilco Accelators; Gravity Rapid Sand Filtration Four Units; Gas Chlorine Disinfection Using a Regal Gas System; Uv Disinfection Using a Dual-train Uv System (Trojan Uvswift System); Distribution System Commercial general liability insurance, in the amount of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000) inclusive, with the Town of The Pas added as an additional insured with a cross-liability clause, such liability policy to also contain contractual liability, broad form property damage cover and products and completed operations to remain in place at all times during the performance of the work and throughout the warranty period. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 28, 2026


Multiple Locations, Opaskwayak, MB

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