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Published March 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000345559 Purchase Type: Duration: 1 - 3 years Oakland County operates and maintains public water systems with over 13,000 hydrants, 14,000 gate valves, 975 miles of water main and provides water service to over 50,000 connections within 15 municipalities in Oakland County. The following is a general list of tools, equipment, materials and supplies currently in use within these water systems. Oakland County is requesting proposals for the complete assembly, repair parts, tools, and accessories for a minimum of the complete list of materials and supplies identified below. Items provided should meet appropriate AWWA, ANSI/NSF, and Underwriters Laboratories Standards for use with potable water systems. Valves 1. Resilient Seated Gate - Flow Master resilient seated gate valves (or approved equivalent) - Complete assembly, repair parts, tools, and accessories. Sizes 2 - 26 2. DWS valves and parts. Sizes 2 16 3. DEJIW A valve and parts. Sizes 2 - 16 Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants 1. Water Master 6BR Fire Hydrants (or approved equivalent) - Repair parts, and accessories including but not limited to: extension assembly (various sizes), operating nut, nozzles (various styles), various nuts and bolts, gaskets, wrench, O-ring, drive lock pin, break away flange kit, DFD hydrant 5'6 conversion, etc. 2. 5BR250 Fire Hydrants (or approved equivalent) - Complete assembly, repair parts, and accessories including but not limited to: extension assembly (various sizes), operating nut, nozzles (various styles), various nuts and bolts, gaskets, wrench, O-ring, snow barrel, drive lock pin, break away flange kit, DFD hydrant 5'6 conversion, etc. 3. Mueller Traffic and Non-Traffic 6, 12 & 18 extension 4. Tools and Accessories - Griffin pipe lube, 5 Storze Nozzle/cap, EJIW combination nozzle spanner wrench, Combination spanner wrench, adjustable hydrant wrench assembly Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 1. Ductile Iron Pipe 2. Various Pressure and Thickness Class (i.e. class 54) 3. Sizes 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 4. Fittings for Ductile Iron Pipe 5. Joint type - mechanical, flanged fittings, Mega Lug, Maxifit Covers & Frames 1. Including but not limited to : EJIW 1040ZPT (Lettered), 1040 H, 1060M2, 1040APT, 1040C (Lettered), 1040A (Lettered), 1040Z 2. Valve Box and risers 3. Locking manhole covers Stabiloc locking system (or approved equivalent) 4. Adjustment Material Bidders should submit an itemized price list. Bid submittals price list should include delivery to various WRC facilities, including, but not limited to: 522 S Opdyke, Pontiac MI 22430 W 8 Mile, Southfield MI 30750 W 8 Mile, Farmington Hills MI Question Acceptance Deadline 03/14/2024 03:00 PM EDT Questions are submitted online Yes, Vendors will have the opportunity to ask questions to clarify specifications. All questions are to be emailed to the buyer listed unless another arrangement has been specified in the RFP. All information related to the question deadline date and time will be posted on the website. Buyer Preferences, Guidelines & Requirements General Requirements - FOB Destination


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, West Bloomfield, MI

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