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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Columbus, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Pawnee Park Legion Baseball Field Artificial Turf Point of Contact is: Richard Bogus, P.E. (Performance Criteria Developer and City Engineer) 2500 14 th Street, Suite 3, Columbus, NE 68601 (Address) Engineering Department phone: 402-562-4309 Engineering Department email: Any questions or clarification regarding this Letter of Interest shall be in writing to the Performance Criteria Developer who may direct them to others. Design and construction of an artificial synthetic turf baseball field with a storm water underdrain and discharge system, complete in place. 2. Topographic survey to be provided to selected team byEngineering Department. No cost to design-builder. 3. Geotechnical soils investigation/report and testing to be part of the project. 4. Assist the City in obtaining a Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Stormwater Construction Notice of Intent. Designer to provide NOI Best Management Practices (BMP) drawings and details for use in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). City to complete SWPPP and BMP Construction Inspections at no cost to the contractor. 5. City forces will salvage some of the underground sprinkler system and clear the site of athletic equipment by August 5, 2024 6. SWPPP BMP placement and project removals may not begin before August 5, 2024. Final completion and NOI close out this construction season. 7. Removals and site preparation may begin August 5, 2024. 8. Removal of site fencing for purposes of construction and reinstalment part of project. 9. Excavationof areas toreceiveturf(estimated 7.5-inches+/-). Disposal by stockpilingwithinaCity designated location within Pawnee Park. 10. Storm water collection underdrain system, complete with 4-inch thick aggregate drainage base layer, perforated HDPE piping, panel drainage system, and discharge as required and designed to City storm sewer system or park lagoon. 11. Geotextile fabric, 4 oz, or prepared subbase and trenches 12. Stone layer finish, minimum 2-inch thickness, laser graded and compacted. 13. Concrete reinforced perimeter curbing, 6-inch x 12-inch. 14. Nailer attachment boards (2-inch x 2-inch) 15. Synthetic turf surfacing, AstroTurg Diamond Series OPS 52 oz. Full field and bullpens (estimated 126,440 sq.ft.) Field colors standard dark brown at skinned areas and green 16. Sand and rubber infill per manufacturer's recommendations 17 Permanent game pitching mound 18. Baseball and softball plugs and base set 19. Replacement panels for pitching and batting areas 20. All other related construction and service, complete in place. 21. Any required plans and specifications that may require stamping, shall be byState of NebraskaProfessional Architect and Engineer in good standing


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

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May 13, 2024

September 13, 2024


3420 Pawnee Plaza, Columbus, NE

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