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Published March 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Alpharetta, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Alpharetta is accepting sealed statements of qualifications (SOQ) from qualified Land Surveying Consultants (Consultant) to provide services to the City on a task-order basis. The City expects the Consultant to provide the resources as needed and complete assignments in a timely manner. Based on the evaluation of the SOQs and subsequent proposal review, it is the City of Alpharetta's intent to enter into a five-year general services contract agreement with the selected Consultant(s). Our intent is to subsequently execute "task order" assignments in accordance with the general service agreement to provide survey services. The Consultant shall provide boundary and topographic surveys, utility location surveys, easement and right-of-way exhibits, legal descriptions, and other similar work as requested by the City. These items are used for in-house design by the City, project scoping for design-build contracts, passed on to engineering Consultants, or used in property acquisition or disposal. Typical City projects utilizing the requested surveys include roadway and sidewalk improvements, intersection improvements, and storm drainage improvements. The City of Alpharetta is accepting sealed statements of qualifications (SOQ) from qualified Land Surveying Consultants (Consultant) to provide services to the City on a task-order basis. The City expects the Consultant to provide the resources as needed and complete assignments in a timely manner. Based on the evaluation of the SOQs and subsequent proposal review, it is the City of Alpharetta's intent to enter into a five-year general services contract agreement with the selected Consultant(s). Our intent is to subsequently execute "task order" assignments in accordance with the general service agreement to provide survey services. The Consultant shall provide boundary and topographic surveys, utility location surveys, easement and right-of-way exhibits, legal descriptions, and other similar work as requested by the City. These items are used for in-house design by the City, project scoping for design-build contracts, passed on to engineering Consultants, or used in property acquisition or disposal. Typical City projects utilizing the requested surveys include roadway and sidewalk improvements, intersection improvements, and storm drainage improvements. No baseline amount of work is guaranteed with this contract. The No Communication period starts on the issue date of this RFQ March 7, 2024 and lasts through follow-up proposal, until the City Council meeting for contract award (or until contract award if this isn't required to go before council for approval). Questions Due Date: Mar 26th 2024, 3:00 PM EDT No person or company, their employees, representatives, agents, attorneys, etc. will contact the City's elected officials or any City staff concerning this RFQ. Contacting anyone other than the Procurement Agent named below for this RFQ during this time will be reason to remove a response from review. Enter all questions or comments using Opportunity Q&A tab at the Bonfire project web page. You can reach Debora Westbrook at 678-297-6052 or purchasing@alpharetta.ga.us.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 4, 2024


Multiple Locations, Alpharetta, GA

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