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Published April 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Fox Point, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Project Category Code: Water Main (Repair/Replace) Rehabilitation, Street/Road Asphalt Resurfacing and Milling Description: OWNER/TIME: The Village of Fox Point will accept sealed bids until 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at the office of the Director of Public Works, Village of Fox Point, 7200 N. Santa Monica Boulevard, Fox Point, Wisconsin 53217. At that time, Village officials will publicly open and read the Bids for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of the work as described below, in accordance with the Contract Documents (CD). The project location: W. NOKOMIS COURT (BETWEEN N. INDIAN CREEK AND N. PORT WASHINGTON ROAD) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AND ROAD RESURFACING Base Bid Items: o Replacement of approximately 950 feet of 6" water main with upsizing to 8" o Replacement of 13 service laterals and curb stops, replacement of hydrant, valves and any other appurtenant structures. o Road resurfacing: mill and overlay approximately 2-inches of asphalt pavement o Asphalt pedestrian path replacement. WALK-THROUGH: The Village and Kapur & Associates, Inc. will conduct only one pre-bidding walk-through/site visit to verify the existing site condition. The walk-through is scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. Contractors shall meet at intersection of W. Nokomis Court & N. Indian Creek Pkwy. Each bid proposal must be submitted on the bid/proposal form provided in the CD and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Village of Fox Point and marked "Bid" with the project name. Bidders should pay particular attention to the requirements for Bid signatures, as set forth in paragraph 06 of the Instructions to Bidders. As a part of their Bid, Bidders shall submit a full and complete list of: 1) all of the proposed Subcontractors and 2) the class of work which each will perform. Failure to include the Subcontractor list will be cause for rejection of a Bid. The selected Contractor shall not alter this list without the written consent of the Director of Public Works. A Contractor's Qualification Statement is also required and should be submitted with the Bid if not previously submitted. The CDs require that the selected Contractor furnish a Certificate of Insurance and Payment and Performance Bonds issued in the amount of the bid. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to Engineer in writing. Replies will be issued by Addenda mailed, faxed, or delivered to all parties recorded by Engineer as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. However, Bidders wishing to discuss any aspect of this Work are requested to contact Mr. Yuriy Amelyan at (414) 751-7825 at the office of the Engineer (Kapur) Additional Description: AWARD DATE: Anticipated award date is April 9, 2024. The selected Contractor may begin work only after the Village has issued him a Notice to Proceed. The anticipated project start date is May, 2024. The selected Contractor must complete all work Not Later Than of November 1, 2024. BID GUARANTEE: Only those bids that are accompanied by a Bid Bond or unqualified certified check in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid will be considered. The Bid Bond or certified check serves as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the bidder will execute and file the Agreement and a 100% Performance Bond and Payment Bond within fifteen (15) days after the Notice of Award. In case the bidder fails to file such contract and bond within the time set forth, the certified check or Bid Bond shall be forfeited as liquidated damages. STATUTORY PROVISIONS: The contract letting shall be subject to the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes, including Section 61.55, 61.56, 62.15, 66.0901, 66.0903, 779.14 and 779.16. BID WITHDRAWAL: No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid opening date without the consent of the Village of Fox Point. BID REJECTION: The Village of Fox Point reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept any bid most advantageous to it, or waive any technicality. Posted: March 6 and March 13, 2024. By: Sara Bruckman, Village Clerk/Treasurer, Village of Fox Point


Roads / Highways


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Paving, Site Work





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March 26, 2024

September 1, 2024


Nokomis Ct, Fox Point, WI

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