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Published July 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Montreal, Quebec. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Reference Number : 1822448 Deadline for receiving complaints: 2024-03-25 Electronically transmitted submission accepted: No Expected duration of the contract without options (in months): 2 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION The Lester B. Pearson School Board is issuing a public call for tenders to award a fixed-price construction contract for the execution of the following work: Maple Grove School - Repair of the masonry envelope. The scope of work also includes replacement of flag poles, replacement of exterior doors and other related work. Any submission received subsequently will be automatically rejected. The days and hours of operation of the School Board offices for receipt of bids are Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The bidder is responsible for obtaining an acknowledgment receipt when submitting the submission. The bid envelopes will be opened publicly at the same time and place, in the presence of a witness. In the event that the School Board has to close its doors due to exceptional circumstances, the deadline and time for receiving and opening bids will be postponed to the next working day, at the same location. EXPECTED DURATION OF WORK The work required under this call for tenders will begin on June 25, 2024 and must be fully completed no later than August 22, 2024, the date on which provisional acceptance must be carried out. THE FILE MANAGER In order to ensure uniformity in the interpretation of the call for tender documents and to facilitate the exchange of information, the School Board designates the following person to respond to questions and requests for clarification in the framework of this call for tenders: Raul Damian, Project Manager 1925 avenue Brookdale Dorval, Quebec H9P 2Y7 Email: r.damian@lbpsb.qc.ca. REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS AND LOCATIONS The bidder must review all tender documents in order to be aware of the requirements of the tender procedure and the requirements of the contract to be entered into. It is his responsibility, prior to the opening of tenders, to ensure that he has received all the tender documents and obtained the information necessary for their understanding. The bidder must carefully review the drawings and specifications and any other similar documents included in the tender documents to take into account any local conditions that may affect the performance of the contract. If the tenderer considers that there are ambiguities, omissions, contradictions or irregularities in the plans and specifications and other tender documents, or if he has doubts about the meaning of their content, he must submit questions in writing to the project owner before the deadline for receipt of submissions. The School Board reserves the right to make changes to the tender documents before the time and deadline set for receipt of bids and to modify the deadline for receipt of bids. The modifications become an integral part of the tender documents and are transmitted, by means of an addendum, to all Contractors who ordered the documents.




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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 8, 2024

June 25, 2024


740 52e Avenue, Montreal, QC

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