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Published June 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Covington, Georgia. Working plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

Water Heaters and Kitchen Refrigeration Condenser for Sheriff's Office. Newton County Board of Commissioners will be receiving separate sealed proposals to remove and replace existing water heaters and kitchen refrigeration condenser for the Newton County Detention Center. Question Deadline 03/27/2024 at 9:00 AM ET All questions concerning this invitation and all questions arising subsequent to award are to be addressed to the Purchasing Department at the following address: Newton County Purchasing Department, Attn: Randi Fincher, 1113 Usher Street, Suite 204, Covington, GA 30014 Phone: 678-625-1237 E-mail: rfincher@co.newton.ga.us Newton County Jail and Sheriff's Office are housed in the same building and is home to over 500 inmates and hundreds of personnel that runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and three hundred sixty-five days a year. Currently, there are four (4) water heaters installed on the premises. Two (2), 750-gallon water heaters (Turbopower 1500P 750A-TP) and two (2), 250-gallon water heaters (Ventura 80V 250). The kitchen current condenser is a Cold Zone Model ET-1. Budget: $320,000 Scope of Work: Work shall include, but not be limited in the following: o Purchas five (5) new 220 gallon AO Smith, Model #BTHL-400A, high efficient commercial water heaters. o Provide all labor and material to ensure proper removal and installation of new water heaters. o Water heaters must be compatible with existing system. o Conduct factory start up and testing of each water heater to ensure they are properly working as desired. o Replace kitchen refrigeration condenser with a new multi-circuit Trenton condenser, Model# TFZT135. o Kitchen condenser must be compatible with existing system. Install condenser in designated location identified by Newton County Sheriff's Office. o Start-up equipment per factory specifications and charge with new refrigerant. o All installation and equipment must be compatible and properly function with all existing controls and related heating/cooling systems. o Contractor must ensure all products used for completion of the scope of work are new and include a warranty (please attach warranty information). o Contractor must insure all labor on new equipment installation be warrantied for a period of at least one (1) year from the date of installation. o The Contractor is responsible to ensure the values proposed are sufficient (provide for overhead, profit, equipment, connectors, fasteners, labor, etc.) for complete and workmanlike construction. o Since the County Jail and Sheriff's Office are in continuous operation, vendor must also demonstrate the ability to respond to any immediate issue that may arise at any time in relation to any required repairs, adjustments, malfunctions, etc. associated with any and all of the Scope of Work deliverables at any time of the day and within 24-48 hrs.

Final Planning

Jails / Prisons


Public - County


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April 9, 2024

June 20, 2024


15151 Alcovy Rd, Covington, GA

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