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Published April 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for paving for a playground / park / athletic field.

MCC, Inc. be awarded the bid for Contract A - General Site Construction - at West High School in the amount of $2,656,779.38 and that IEI General Contractors, Inc. be awarded the bid for Contract B - Building and Site Electrical Construction - at West High School in the amount of $1,830,758. Question Deadline 03/28/2024 All questions about the meaning or intent of the contract documents shall be submitted to LA/E in writing Questions received less than five (5) days prior to the date for opening of bids will not be answered. The work for which bids are asked generally includes the following: CONTRACT "A" - GENERAL SITE CONSTRUCTION 1. Site redevelopment and improvements with work including, but not limited to; site & building demolition, stripping and placing topsoil, common excavation, asphalt pavement, pavement striping, concrete curb and flatwork, decorative concrete, dense graded base, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water utility, synthetic turf base materials, athletic equipment, erosion control, fencing, seeding, sodding, irrigation, flagpole and site restoration. 2. Alternate Bids as represented in the Contract Documents. 3. All necessary work to complete the proposed contract as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. CONTRACT "A, ALTERNATE A1" - UNDER GRANDSTAND FENCING AND GATES 1. Provide fencing and gates under the grandstand for areas not receiving storage enclosures. 2. All necessary work to complete the proposed alternate as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. CONTRACT "A, ALTERNATE A2 - SODDED TURF IN LIEU OF SEEDED TURF ADJACENT TO PRACTICE FIELD 1. Site improvement work for sodding the area adjacent to the base bid practice field sod in lieu of the base bid seeded turf. 2. All necessary work to complete the proposed alternate as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. CONTRACT "A, ALTERNATE A3 - PRACTICE FIELD NORTH NETTING SYSTEM 1. Site improvement work for providing the north netting system, including fencing, fence guard and maintenance strip. 2. All necessary work to complete the proposed alternate as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. CONTRACT "A, ALTERNATE A4 - PRACTICE FIELD CONCRETE BLEACHER PAD 1. Site improvement work for providing a concrete bleacher pad at the west side of the practice field. 2. All necessary work to complete the proposed alternate as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. CONTRACT "B" - BUILDING & SITE ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 1. Building and site electrical construction for improvements of; 2,890 s.f. concession/restroom building, 100 s.f. ticket booth, 710 s.f. storage/mechanical building, 480 s.f. green house storage building, green house foundation and interior gravel/concrete flatwork, entry feature, masonry columns, site electrical, light poles and building mechanical, plumbing and electrical. 2.Alternate Bids as represented in the Contract Documents. 3. All necessary work to complete the proposed contract as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. CONTRACT "B, ALTERNATE B1" - GRANDSTAND STORAGE ENCLOSURE - POWER AND LIGHTING 1. Provide power and lighting in each additional 1,000 s.f. grandstand enclosure area. 2. All necessary work to complete the proposed alternate as represented in the construction documents shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid. WORK BY OTHERS Work by others or OWNER that shall be concurrent to work of this contract includes the following: 1. Contract "C" - Providing and installing synthetic turf system for stadium field will be procured under separate bidding process. Work of these contracts shall be coordinated with synthetic turf installation. 2. Contract "D" - Providing and installing grandstands and press box will be procured under a separate bidding process. Work of these contracts shall be coordinated with grandstand installation. 3. Contract "E" - Providing and installing track surfacing system will be procured under a separate bidding process. Work of these contracts shall be coordinated with track surfacing construction. 4. Contract "F" - Providing and installing a scoreboard/videoboard/sound will be procured under a separate bidding process. Work of these contracts shall be coordinated with the scoreboard construction. 5. Utility services and upgrades will be constructed by Local Utilities, including but not limited to, WPS and AT&T. Coordinate work of these contracts with utility service and upgrades. 6. The existing north cell tower will be removed by American Tower. The existing south cell tower will be removed and a new tower installed by Crown Castle/AT&T. The existing south cell tower gear beneath the existing grandstand will be relocated to beneath the new grandstand by Crown Castle/AT&T. Coordinate work of these contracts with these cell tower contractors. 7. The green house will be constructed by Others. Work by Contract "B" associated the green house is as described in the plans and specifications. Coordinate work of these contracts with the green house contractor. 8. Coordinate work of these Contracts with all work by OWNER and others.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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966 Shawano Ave, Green Bay, WI

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