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Published May 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Lincoln, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

The District Energy Corporation (DEC) is requesting bids to provide all labor and materials for the installation of owner supplied pumps per bid specifications. Clarification Deadline: 3/28/2024 4:00 PM All questions must be submitted through Electronically CONTACT INFORMATION: LES Procurement Department; procurementdept@les.com The successful bidder will be required to execute a contract and bonds as follows: Within ten days after the award of the contract, the successful bidder must execute a written contract between the successful bidder and DEC, which contract will incorporate DEC specifications. Failure to enter into a contract with DEC, on forms provided by DEC, within such time period will, at the option of DEC, cause a rejection of the bid. The performance bond and construction payment bond, if required by DEC, shall cover faithful performance of the contract and payment of all obligations under the contract, in such form as DEC may prescribe and with such sureties as DEC may approve. The bonds shall be in an amount of not less than the contract price. The bonds must be delivered at the same time that the written contract is delivered by the successful bidder, provided, however, that the Manager, Procurement and Stores may approve in writing an extension of time to a date certain for delivery of the bonds, but in no event shall work under the contract commence until delivery of the bonds. These bonds shall remain in effect until at least one year after the date when final payment becomes due, unless sooner released by DEC. Successful bidder will be required to complete (1) the DEC Construction Contract; 2) furnish proof of insurance with coverage specified in the Contract by an insurance company licensed to do business in Nebraska and rated at least B+ in A.M. Bests Rating. Certificate must show DEC listed as additional insured for general liability and include waiver of subrogation; and 3) furnish a performance and labor and material payment bond from a surety licensed to do business in Nebraska and also rated at least B+ in A.M. Bests Rating. DEC may, in its sole discretion, reject any or all bids, or waive minor defects, irregularities, or informalities therein. DEC will award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid best complies with the Contract Documents. At the option of DEC, in order to demonstrate its qualifications to perform the work described herein, each bidder shall be prepared to submit, within five days after the bids are opened, a detailed written showing of financial responsibility, relevant similar experience, present commitments, and such other relevant information as may be required by DEC.


Jails / Prisons


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3801 W O St, Lincoln, NE

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