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Published March 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Raleigh, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Raleigh (COR) is solicitating proposals from one or more firm(s) with which to contract for the following services: The purpose of this work is Conservation Services for the Pullen Park Dentzel Carousel and John Chavis Memorial Park Hershell Carousel. The scope includes repair and restoration of historic carousel elements as needed. Scope also includes transportation of carousel elements to off-site studio/workshop as needed for repairs. Carousel elements shall be insured during transportation and off-site repair. Finally, Scope includes a final treatment report for each element to include clearly identifying material and method of conservation, documentary photographs, and pre and post condition. Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to: Scott Mott Historic Attractions Director Email: scott.mott@raleighnc.gov All questions related to this solicitation must be submitted in writing (via email) to the following individual: Contact Name Email Address Scott Mott , Scott.mott@raleighnc.gov.Questions submitted via telephone will not be answered. Deadline for Written Questions :March 25th City Response to Questions (anticipated) :March 28th Evaluation Meeting (anticipated): April 19th Interviews (if required) N/A Selection Announced (tentative) :April 26th Project Approach: 1. Professional conservation and restoration services for the Pullen Park and John Chavis Memorial Park Carousels including restoration and/or repair of up to twelve (12) elements per year including but not exclusively limited to carousel animals, rounding boards, shields, mirror frames, scenery panels, and chariots. 2. Scope may include two (2) visits per year (6 months apart for delivery and pick up). Pick up dates/times and delivery dates/time to be determined. 3. For more comprehensive repairs, contractor may remove and transport selected Carousel elements to the contractors studio for restoration and/or repair and then return said elements and install to Pullen Park and/or John Chavis Memorial Park upon completion of work and as scheduled with the City. 4. Prior to removing elements from either Pullen Park and/or John Chavis Memorial Park for offsite repair contractor shall provide the Historic Attractions Director an estimate for costs as outlined below:Estimate cost for transporting the animals and travel is.............$ (Estimate to include number of days of travel, pick-up and transport) Estimate for per animal restoration is......................................$ Estimate cost of additional insurance for transport per animal......$ 5. Contractor to provide photo and condition reports of items and show areas of 13 necessary wood repair and paint damage after repair to Historic Attractions Director. 6. Reports should provide an explanation of method of cleaning items, cleaning solutions being used, and types of drying applications. 7. Reports should explain process and materials used on repair of joints and any wood areas that would need to be built upon items to resemble the original carving including detail of filling, priming, sanding, painting, leafing and/or varnishing objects. 8. Reports should list all materials used in these processes listed above. Proposals must be enclosed in an envelope or package and clearly marked with the name of the submitting company, the RFP number and the RFP Title. Proposers must submit: A. one (1) signed original; B. one (1) electronic version of the signed proposal and; C. and (write number (x) of paper copies need by the evaluation team) copies of the signed proposal. The electronic version of the Proposal must be submitted as a viewable and printable Adobe Portable Document File (PDF) on a USB Flash Drive. Both hard copy and electronic versions must be received by the City on or before the RFP due date and time provided in RFP Timeline (Section 1.3). Proposals received after the RFP due date and time will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the return address on the submission envelope or package. Any requirements in the RFP that cannot be met must be indicated on Appendix VI: Exceptions to the RFP and submitted with the proposal. Proposers must respond to the entire Request for Proposals (RFP). Any incomplete proposal may be eliminated from competition at the discretion of the City of Raleigh. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for any reason and to waive any informality it deems in its best interest. The City of Raleigh prohibits discrimination in any manner against any person based on actual or perceived age, race, color, creed, national origin, sex, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial or marital status, religion, economic status, or veteran status. The City maintains an affirmative policy of fostering, promoting, and conducting business with women and minority owned business enterprises The Contract shall have an initial term of one (1) years, beginning on the date of the Contract award (the Effective Date). At the end of the Contracts current term, the City shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to renew the Contract on the same terms and conditions for up to a total of two (2) additional one-year terms. The City will give the Contractor written notice of its intent whether to exercise each option no later than sixty (60) days before the end of the Contract's then-current term. In addition, the City reserves the right to extend a contract term for a period of up to 180 days in 90-day-or-less increments.


Amusement and Recreation

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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City of Raleigh Historic Carousel Conservation Contract

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