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Published April 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Work will take place on three bridges. Clean the LRT guideway deck, guideway approach panels, and expansion joints utilizing high pressure water and collecting and disposing of all residues/debris, epoxy seal cracks, and apply concrete protective sealant. The MCUB participation goal for this contract is 11% LOCATION OF THE WORK A. The Work will be located on Metro Transit controlled property. 1. Bridge R0646, Interchange at Target Field in Minneapolis, MN. 2. Bridge 27684A, LRT over BNSF / Northstar at Target Field in Minneapolis, MN 3. Bridge 27706A, LRT over I-394 at Target Field in Minneapolis, MN This project includes maintenance repairs for LRT bridges next to Target Field. The Work for this Project includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. At Bridge R0646 Interchange (Rail on plinths), the CONTRACTOR will clean the LRT guideway deck, guideway approach panels, and expansion joints utilizing high pressure water and collecting and disposing of all residues/debris, epoxy seal cracks, and apply concrete protective sealant. a. Approximate deck area to be cleaned and sealed: 37,500 SF. 1) Spans 1-9: full width by full length of specified spans. 2) Includes station platform flat/horizontal concrete surfaces. b. Approximate deck cracks to be sealed by epoxy chase method: 3,300 LF. c. CONTRACTOR will supply a high-rail truck for cleaning supplies, personnel, and equipment. d. CONTRACTOR will have access to the Metro Transit hi-rail vac truck if available. e. CONTRACTOR will supply cleaning water. There's water hose access on the platform and a fire hydrant at N 3 rd Ave and N 5th St. f. CONTRACTOR will flush drains and clear bridge deck drains, post-cleaning operations. This includes the two cleanouts for the drainpipes under the deck. 2. At Bridge 27684A LRT over BNSF / Northstar (Rail on plinths), the CONTRACTOR will clean the LRT guideway deck, pedestrian sidewalk, LRT station guideway approach panels, and expansion joints utilizing high pressure water and collecting and disposing of all residues/debris, epoxy seal cracks, and apply concrete protective sealant. a. Approximate deck area to be cleaned and sealed: 29,811 SF. 1) Spans 1-6: full width by full length of specified spans. 2) Includes station platform flat/horizontal concrete surfaces. b. Approximate deck cracks to be sealed by epoxy chase method: 6,000 LF. c. CONTRACTOR will supply a high-rail truck for cleaning supplies, personnel, and equipment. d. CONTRACTOR will have access to the Metro Transit hi-rail vac truck if available. e. CONTRACTOR will supply cleaning water. There's water hose access on the platform and a fire hydrant at N 3rd Ave and N 5th St. f. CONTRACTOR will flush drains and clear bridge deck drains, post-cleaning operations. g. CONTRACTOR will remove debris and flush drainage gutter system located below top of superstructure in spans: Span 2 (south deck edge), Span 4 (north deck edge, west span half), Span 5 (south deck edge). h. CONTRACTOR will repair (3'x1'x4") concrete spall in Span 1, southbound track. i. CONTRACTOR will repair concrete at the east cross walk duct bank. j. CONTRACTOR will repair concrete below station platform warning tiles/truncated domes. 3. At Bridge 27706A LRT over I-394 (Rail on plinths), the CONTRACTOR will clean the LRT guideway deck, pedestrian sidewalk, guideway approach panels, and expansion joints utilizing high pressure water and collecting and disposing of all disposing of all residues/debris, epoxy seal cracks, and apply concrete protective sealant. a. Approximate deck area to be cleaned and sealed: 10,665 SF. 1) Spans 1-3: full width by full length of specified spans. b. Approximate deck cracks to be sealed by epoxy chase method: 4,500 LF. c. CONTRACTOR will supply a high-rail truck for cleaning supplies, personnel, and equipment. d. CONTRACTOR will have access to the Metro Transit hi-rail vac truck if available. e. CONTRACTOR will supply cleaning water. There's water hose access on the platform and a fire hydrant at N 3rd Ave and N 5 th St. f. CONTRACTOR will flush drains and clear bridge deck drains, post-cleaning operations. g. CONTRACTOR will provide install threaded rod epoxy adhesive into Pier 2 fixed bearing anchor rod locations (5 bearing locations). h. CONTRACTOR will repair concrete spall on east abutment, south corner - at top of abutment/wingwall. 4. CONTRACTOR will seal the decks 72 hours after pressure washing. CONTRACTOR has the option of completing the sealing at night between the hours of Midnight and 4 AM. 5. The CONTRACTOR will supply the necessary pedestrian access control, vehicular traffic control, and obtain permitting from MnDOT, Hennepin County, City of Minneapolis, Metro Transit, and any other permitting organizations. 6. The CONTRACTOR will coordinate with Twins Ballpark for schedule and site access. 7. Hours of construction for work below the deck will be defined by traffic control permit restrictions. 8. There will be one rail and bridge extended weekend nighttime shutdown. 9. The CONTRACTOR will supply the ITL for all material testing. 10. CONTRACTOR will need rail insurance and On-Line Metro Transit Rail Safety Certification The Work of the Project shall be Substantially Completed not later than July 15, 2024. The Work of the Project shall be Fully and Finally Completed not later than July 29, 2024.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Minneapolis, MN

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