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Published April 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The work of this project involves electrical upgrades to the Gatehouse Structure at East Brimfield Lake in Fiskdale, Massachusetts. East Brimfield Dam is located on the Quinebaug River approximately 1.25 miles east of Brimfield, Massachusetts and about 2.5 miles west of Sturbridge Massachusetts. East Brimfield Dam is one of three USACE dams located in series along the Quinebaug River within the Thames River Basin. East Brimfield, in conjunction with Westville Dam (7 miles downstream) and West Thompson Dam (24 miles downstream), is operated to reduce flooding risk in communities along the Quinebaug River. Construction of East Brimfield started in May of 1958, and the dam became operational in June of 1960. The embankment is a rolled earth and rock fill structure that is 520 ft long and has a maximum height of 55 ft above the original riverbed. The outlet works consists of an approach channel, a reinforced concrete weir inlet, a reinforced concrete conduit, and an outlet structure. The emergency spillway is located on the right (south) abutment. The spillway channel is cut through bedrock and contains a concrete ogee weir at the center with a crest length of 75 ft and a crest at El. 6531 (19.2 ft below the crest of the dam). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is issuing a set aside for small business contractors to perform Gatehouse Electrical Upgrades at East Brimfield Lake in Fiskdale, Massachusetts. The NAICS code for the work described below is 238210. The project is planned to be issued in March 2023 and will be set aside for Small Businesses. The period of performance will be approximately 180 days. The estimated magnitude of this project is between $250,000 and $500,000. The work of this project involves electrical upgrades to the gatehouse at East Brimfield Dam. The work shall include the following at a minimum: . Upgrade the existing 100A, 120/208V, 3O, 4W switchboard and 100A MLO, 120/208V, 3O, 4W lighting panel within the same enclosure inside the gatehouse at East Brimfield Lake Dam. . The gatehouse feeder from the existing 100A-3P circuit breaker in the panelboard within the utility building, routed to the gatehouse switchboard in steel conduit in the dam's concrete envelope, shall be pulled back, removed, and replaced in existing conduit. . Branch circuit conductors from the gatehouse switchboard and lighting panel (i.e. Gate Hoist Motors, Electric Unit Heater, Lighting, Receptacles) shall be removed and replaced to the first device, within existing conduit. . Optional items to be included in this project include removal and replacement of existing floodlights; removal and replacement of interior lighting fixtures; and removal and replacement of the existing unit heater. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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Water / Sewer


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To Be Determined, Sturbridge, MA

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