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Published May 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Columbia Cross Roads, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Seymour Dirt and Gravel Road Program Project sponsored by the Bradford County Conservation District. There will be two separate bids for this project, one for excavation/road work and one for a stream crossing replacement. These bids will have a December 31, 2024 deadline for work completion and contractor must bid on both elements of the project. Road Bid- Some tree and stump removal, under drain instillation, road fill, rocked accesses, cross pipes, seeding and mulching, Rip Rap stream Bank Stabilization, and delivery, placement, and compaction of 2,387 tons (+/- 10%) of 2RC. The material is to be placed through a rubber tracked motor-paver capable of delivering an 18 roadway and 8 uniform depth with a single pass and compacted with a minimum 10ton roller. All R-rock must be state approved. Culvert Installation Bid - 1 bottomless arch stream crossing assembly and installation with headwalls and instream stabilization. A minimum of a 4 person crew will be required for assembly of the structure and all R-rock must be state approved. The Columbia Township Board of Supervisors reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. You must register for the site showing by noon on Friday March 15, 2024. Call 570-297-2684 or email coltownship@gmail.com to register. Work will include but not be limited to: 3. All areas ofdisturbed soil must be seeded Columbia Township is seeking bids for earth work as part ofa Dirt and Gravel Roads Grant which has been received by the Township for a section ofSeymour Dr in Columbia Township. 1. Removal ofselect trees in right ofway and possibly some stumps. All wood products are to be returned to the landowner at pre-designated sight and any stumps will need to be removed from sight and discarded at a site approved by the Conservation District staff. 4. Hauling, placing and compaction ofRoad fill: Fill will be used to gain height and width where needed. Fill will be installed and compacted by a minimum 10-ton vibratory roller, in 6" lifts with a center crown and average final slope of4-6%. Driving surface must be paver ready before placement ofDSA 5. Installation of new cross pipes and driveway pipes. Pipes are to be shallow installation and done after road fill has been place. Pipes will be stabilized with prefab concrete block head and end wall protection, three concrete blocks guiding water into the inlet, and two concrete blocks on the outlet. R-4 rock will be placed at the inlet and R-5 rock placed at the outlet for erosion protection. The preferred pipe slope will be 4%. Exceptions for rip rap protection may be made by inspector depending on bedrock situation. 6. Rocked agricultural accesses will be installed after road fill is installed to get proper height ofmaterial. Excavate approximately 8inch, line with non-woven geotextile, and fill with state certified 3inch stone. 2. Any banks needing sloped will be graded to a stable slope and will be re-seeded and mulched. 7. Ditches will be shaped with a ditch shaper provided by the Conservation District to ensure proper shape (ditch shaper fits over teeth on 24inch bucket), or may be shaped with district approved equipment. Ditch shaping will take place after installation of road fill to avoid deep ditches. 8. Ditches may need to be re-constructed and topsoil added to aid in vegetation. All excess material from shaping ditches and sloping bank is to be removed from site. (Twp. may have suitable site for disposal) - Project inspector will verify suitability of site.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements


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Seymour Road, Columbia Cross Roads, PA

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