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Published March 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Hudson, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Marsh Booster station consist of 2 -30 HP domestic pumps and one 75 HP fire pump. Currently, all the equipment and controllers are located underground a steel tank chamber. This booster station has one main access point and the tanks is approximately 8 feet deep. Town of Hudson intent is to replace the underground booster station with an above ground booster station. The pumps, motors, canisters and the VFD's have already been purchased under Phase 1. The pre cast building has already been purchase and its installation is under contract (Phase 2). The current bid, Phase 3, consist of completing the project and having a turn-key booster station. A design has been provided for this project and the contractor will be responsible for specification and shop drawings for all proposed components, such as SCADA components and electrical panels. The Town of Hudson Engineering is soliciting Engineering and Contractor services to design and construct improvements at The work will include the design and construction and involves the following: Assessment of the design plans (90 %) Prepare all permitting documents and acquire all permits required for construction (Town fees will be waived by the Town). Prepare shop drawings for electrical and mechanical components. Relocate/remove all components identified on the Demo Plan Rewire electrical components to existing onsite generator Prepare show drawings and specs for the design plan Construct the approved construction plan. Provide the Town with As-built Plans The proposed work will include all water pipe and gate valve installation from the building envelope (5' off the building) to the suction and discharge line, per plan. The installation of the electrical service to the building and backup generator is included under Phase 2. The proposed work will include all electrical and mechanical installation within the building except the canisters, which will be installed under phase 2. Contract shall be able to work with RH White who are responsible for phase 2 of this project. Work with Town SCADA consultant regarding operation and programing of the booster station and in line with the design parameters of the station. Removing all the old components ( electrical/mechanical/communications) from the old booster station A contract will be signed as soon as possible after the Proposal due date and completion of the Proposal evaluations, but no later than July 1, 2023 and the project will proceed immediately. Project must have completed all verification and validation testing and be ready for final acceptance by the Town on May 1, 2024. The deadline for all questions shall be at 10:00 a.m. on APRIL 19, 2024. All questions with regard to the Invitation to Bid should be addressed (in writing only) to the attention of: Elvis Dhima, P.E. Town of Hudson Engineering Department 12 School Street Hudson, NH 03051 edhima@hudsonnh.gov This project is 100% funded by the Town of Hudson. Each Bidder shall accompany the proposal with a bid guarantee in the form of Cashier's Check, or a Certified Check payable to the Town of Hudson, or a Bid Bond secured by a guaranteed company or surety company licensed to operate in the State of New Hampshire in the amount of 5% of the Bid. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part thereof, to waive any formality, informality, information or errors in the proposal, to accept the proposal considered to be in the best interest of the Town, or to purchase on the open market if it is considered in the best interest of the Town to do so. Failure to submit all information called for and/or submission of an unbalanced proposal are sufficient reasons to declare a proposal as non-responsive and subject to disqualification.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work



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Marsh Rd, Hudson, NH

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