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Published March 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Duluth, Minnesota. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The City of Duluth is interested in retaining a consultant to provide design services for the reconditioning of Junction Avenue and St. Marie Street, from West College Street to Carver Avenue. This project will be bid in January of 2025 and constructed in the summer of 2025. Street work will include, but is not limited to: bituminous milling, bituminous pavement removal, bituminous paving, curb and gutter replacement, sidewalk replacement, bump out installation, signing, and striping. Utility work will include two storm sewer pipe replacement locations where the existing pipes have failed both to increase capacity and replace the underlying storm sewer as part of a complete reconstruction section. Junction Avenue/St. Marie Street (MSAS Segment 156), from West College Street (MSAS Segment 155) to Carver Avenue (MSAS Segment 159), is a two-way low speed urban collector that runs along and through the north and west sides of the University of Minnesota-Duluth's campus. The roadway section is a 32' wide bituminous road. The south and east side of the road generally has a 12' driving lane and a 9' parking lane with a sidewalk, the north and west side of the road generally has a 14' driving lane with a sidewalk along St. Marie Street. This roadway was last reconstructed in 1975 and was overlaid in 2002. There are two intersections with stop conditions, at the intersections with Kirby Drive and Carver Avenue, and a signal at the intersection with College Street. The project will stop short of resurfacing the College Street and Carver Avenue intersections. The road had two average daily traffic counts taken in 2021, with 4771 on the west end and 6502 on the east end. The roadway serves as one of the primary access routes around UMD's campus and as part of the Skyline Parkway Scenic Byway. It is bordered by UMD's student housing, churches, single family homes, and parking lots. There are six DTA routes that use this segment of road. The bituminous pavement is in poor condition. The existing curb is in fair to poor condition and in some places the gutter line was filled in as part of a previous overlay project. Work will include replacement of existing 6-foot sidewalk in poor condition and not previously replaced by UMD in 2023. The existing 4-5 foot sidewalk on the north side of St. Marie Street will also be replaced with 5-foot sidewalk. Curb extensions will be installed at Oakland Avenue. The project will complement the existing and upcoming programmed shared use paths and road construction work. These projects will provide the final alternative transportation connection to the College of St. Scholastica, and complete the city pedestrian network down to Duluth's Lakewalk. Work will also include reconstruction of two segments of road that have pavement failures due to the existing storm sewer pipes. The locations of the work are shown on the attached project map and will be defined in the field as part of the initial site visit. Some of the storm sewer on Junction Avenue that is located within the 330-foot full reconstruction area was built over railroad ties in 1975 to bridge the poor soils. This project will remove the old timbers and storm sewer in that location, and reinstall new pipes, both there and also where the pavement is rutting on St. Marie Street. The combined reconstruction length of the two areas is expected to be approximately 830 LF. The project will be planned to be funded through a combination of Municipal State Aid, Street Sales Tax, and stormwater utility funds. The City has applied for a Local Road Improvement Grant but will not know if it was successful until May. The road shall be designed and constructed to State-Aid Standards. The City of Duluth will provide the following: Previous surveys, reports, and studies, if available. All available street and utility drawings from previous projects. Aerial photography Assistance in obtaining other related information in City files pertaining to the project if needed. All questions concerning the project shall be directed to: Alex Popp, PE, Project Engineer apopp@duluthmn.gov City of Duluth - Engineering Division 411 W. 1st Street, Room 240 City Hall Duluth, Minnesota 55802-1191 (218) 730-5087 Question Deadline 03/29/2024 The City of Duluth specifically reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to negotiate with any qualified source, to cancel in part or in its entirety the Request for Proposal, to waive any requirements, to investigate the qualifications of any proposal, to obtain new proposals, or proceed to have the service provided in any way as necessary to serve the best interests of the City of Duluth. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 3, 2025


W St Marie St, Duluth, MN

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