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Published March 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Raleigh, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Custodial Service-Knightdale Region Column Headings on the Routine Services Bid Sheet Definitions a. School - Name of School b. Level - Refers to Elementary (K-5), Middle (6-8), High (9-12), Academy (Varies), College & Career (9-12), Early College (9-12) WCPSS reserves the right to award contracts solely at its discretion. Bid on all of the schools you wish to. There is no requirement to bid on all of them. Bid on schools individually, using the Attachment F(1) Routine Services Bid Sheet for Individual Schools. Mobile/Modular Classroom Cost is the amount your invoice will be adjusted per room if WCPSS adds or removes any classrooms outside of the permanent facility structure. These rooms are approximately 900 Sq.Ft. each. Modular buildings will vary in the number of classrooms depending on size and will usually have two student hallway restrooms and one staff restroom. Schools are grouped in each area geographically and by level. All areas have a mix of High, Middle and Elementary Schools. The areas were created for use by Custodial Services and strategically grouped to balance the number of schools for each Area Manager and to insure a balance of school levels in each Area. Some areas will not reflect that balance in considering only the current contract cleaned schools. Bid the areas based on the current contract schools. If more schools are converted in that area, the individual school price from Attachment F( 1) will be used to increase the contract. Contract Schools - The number of schools currently using contract services. These are the schools that will begin service on July 1, 2024. Column Headings on the Routine Services Bid Sheet Definitions Area - Name of the geographical area where most of the schools are located. Annual Bid Amount $ - The amount you will charge to perform the required services as outlined elsewhere in these documents. This amount is for the Contract Schools only. In-House Schools - Refers to the number of schools in a geographic area that are currently cleaned by WCPSS In-House staff. If any of these schools convert to contract services during the term of the contract, they will automatically be included in the contract with a change order. The amount of the change order will be based on the bid submitted on Attachment F(l) Routine Services Bid Sheet For Individual Schools and prorated for the remainder of the fiscal year. # Work Days refers to the number of days the "after-hours" or "night" crews will work based on the number of school days plus teacher work days. Current # Full-Time "Day" Custodians refers to the number of contractor supplied custodians that work during the academic day and serve as "day porters" in place of having a WCPSS assigned custodian. These custodians work every weekday, year-round, except for the 11 holidays on the WCPSS calendar. These positions are not guaranteed but continue to grow as a sizeable portion of a contractor's portfolio. 100% Contract refers to those schools where a contractor currently provides all custodial services, to include the full complement of day-time custodians. No WCPSS custodians work at these sites. Net Cleanable Sq.Ft. refers to the total amount of square footage at a location that the contractor will be responsible for cleaning. *Please Complete and Return The attached F1 Sheet as Part Of This Bid Submission's Required Forms * Buyer: Jim Jaeger



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