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Published February 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Boscawen, New Hampshire. Design plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of February 6, 2025, this project is in the design phase. Construction bidding will take place in late 2025 with construction in the spring of 2026. *Previous solicitation listed below for reference:* Firms with qualified Architectural & Engineering specialists, are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications to provide design, engineering, and construction administration services to renovate the storage facilities at the NH State Forest Nursery located at 405 Daniel Webster Highway in Boscawen, NH. Questions Related to the RFQ due by date 4/10/2024 3:00 PM EST Interviews of short-listed candidates 4/17-18/2024 2:00 PM EST Contract award 5/06/2024 Governor and Executive Council meeting for approval 5/20/2024 Anticipated projects start date 7/01/2024 Project design completion date Fall 2025 Candidate firms will submit a Statement of Qualifications in support of completing a project that would address the following scope of work: Design a highly energy efficient 60'x60'x10' cooler building providing 36,000 cubic feet, attached to an existing early 1900's era barn with concrete foundation which will perform the following: Provide cold storage at 35 degrees during the months of March-May each year. Provide storage space for packages varying in dimensions from 15"x4"x20" to 22"x6"x36". Packages may weigh up to 75 lbs. each. Consider options to mist unpackaged product while in cold storage without damaging packaged product. Cooler should have 8' external insulated garage door, interior doors to provide access for staff to bring product in and out of the cooler into the sorting and packing room and in and out of the shipping room. Cellular access to controls and monitoring. Redesign an 840 cubic foot walk in freezer attached to the existing barn and increase energy efficiency. Control moisture levels in freezer to aid in long-term seed storage. Freezer is run year-round and stores 1,000+ lbs. of tree seed, typically packaged in gallon sized bags. Cellular access to controls and monitoring is required. Work with Nursery Manager to design a sorting and counting room within the existing barn structure that provides efficient workflow and provides for worker comfort. Work with the Nursery Manager to design an area for packaging and loading for shipping via UPS that provides efficient workflow and provides for worker comfort. Design an ADA compliant bathroom within the existing barn structure to include emergency shower. Provide options for seasonal heating system for sorting/packing room, shipping room, upstairs woodshop and one bay of equipment pole barn. Considerations will be given to wood or propane heat sources. Review Fire Marshall Report and provide resolutions for issues within the existing barn. Move Pesticide lockers from main barn building to equipment pole barn and create a pesticide loading area outside the pole barn for safe loading and mixing practices. Scrape and paint barn and repair trim. Design and provide cost estimates for a rooftop PV array and possible backup energy storage to offset energy use at the nursery. Statements of Qualifications must be clearly marked as follows: Qualifications Statement for NH Forest Nursery Renovation All Statements of Qualifications submitted in response to this RFQ must consist of at least: 1. One (1) original and Three (3) clearly identified copies of the Statement of Qualifications, including all required attachments. 2. One (1) clearly identified electronic copy of the Statement of Qualifications, including all required attachments contained on digital media such as PDF. All inquiries concerning this RFQ, including but not limited to, requests for clarifications, questions, and any changes to the RFQ, shall be submitted via email to the following RFQ designated Points of Contact: TO: Albi Fioravante, Project Administrator Tel: 603-271-3206 E-mail: albdios.v.fioravante@dncr.nh.gov




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April 1, 2026


405 Daniel Webster Hwy, Boscawen, NH

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