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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Newnan, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The City of Newnan, Georgia, located 35 miles southwest of downtown Atlanta, on Interstate 85 South, and City seat of Coweta City, Georgia, is seeking Competitive Sealed Proposals from qualified Contractors to provide rehabilitation to sections of LaGrange Street pavement and base that have failed. No proposal will be received or accepted after the above specified date and time of the proposal opening. Proposals submitted after the designated date and time will be deemed invalid and returned unopened to the proponent. We appreciate your submittal and interest in assisting the City of Newnan with this endeavor. The project involves the rehabilitation of pavement and subgrade in areas of failure and adjusting 32 valves and 24 manholes. The current size of areas to be repaired approximately 16928 square feet. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, materials and any other miscellaneous items necessary for the project in accordance with the Scope of Services.Question Deadline 04/09/2024 All inquiries regarding this RFP/ITB Must be in writing via email and addressed to: Ray Norton: The Contractor shall be responsible for all traffic control activities required during the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall submit a work sequence schedule to the City for review and approval no less than two weeks prior to beginning construction. Notification signage to be placed on each approach to the job site. Contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control devices, signage, and barricades as required by MUTCD standards. No full closure of Lagrange Street will be permitted without prior approval. All cost associated with traffic control shall be included in Fee Proposal . 2. The Contractor shall coordinate with local utility agencies to ensure protection of all utilities in the project area. 3. The Contractor shall maintain clean and safe work zones at all times. 4. All pavement and subgrade repairs will consist of the following items: A. Setting up Safe Work Zones B. Saw cutting area for repair C. Excavating area to a depth of 10 inches D. Compacting bottom of excavated area E. Pouring 8 inches of 3000PSI concrete F. Placing "Street Plates" over concrete to allow vehicle movement while curing G. Placing and compacting 2 inches of 9.5MM asphalt on concrete 5. Contractor shall keep a quarter inch tolerance from existing driving surface and new asphalt placement to ensure a smooth driving transition. 6. Contractor shall thoroughly clean work zone to be free of any dirt and debris and dispose of all waste materials off-site at a facility permitted to accept such materials. 7. All Manhole adjustments shall be made with brick-and-mortar technique with a quarter inch tolerance. Ring and cover shall have a 3 foot by 3 foot concrete collar around the circumference of the ring that is at minimum 8 inches deep poured with 5000PSI concrete. 8. All water valvesshall be adjusted to a quarter inch tolerance and poured with 5000PSI concrete collar 1 foot by 1 foot.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 23, 2024

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Lagrange St, Newnan, GA

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