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Published April 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in La Valle, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

the Work for Which Bids Are Asked Includes the Following: Reconstruction of Approximately 1,100 Square Yards of Streets Including Existing Pavement Pulverizing, Unclassified Excavation, Roadway Grading, Storm Sewer, and Asphalt Paving. Improvements to the Existing Marshall Park Canoe Landing Including Approximately 400 Square Yards of Pulverizing Existing Pavement, Roadway Grading, Asphalt Paving, and Installation of Approximately 300 Tons of Aggregate Base. Improvements to Center Street, Including Approximately 400 Linear Feet of 5-foot Sidewalk, Ditch Grading, Storm Sewer Pipe and Structures, and Unclassified Excavation. Improvements to the Existing Village Park, Including, Unclassified Excavation, Topsoil Placement and Grading, Lime Screening Placement and Grading, and Mulching. The Anticipated Substantial Completion Date is October 4, 2024 and Final Completion Date is October 25, 2024. No Proposal Will Be Accepted Unless Accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond Equal to at Least 5% of the Amount Bid, Payable to the Owner as a Guarantee That, if the Bid is Accepted, the Bidder Will Execute and File the Proper Contract and Bond Within 15 Days After the Award of the Contract. The Certified Check or Bid Bond Will Be Returned to the Bidder as Soon as the Contract is Signed, and if After 15 Days the Bidder Shall Fail to Do So, the Certified Check or Bid Bond Shall Be Forfeited to the Owner as Liquidated Damages. OWNER reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. CONSULTING ENGINEER: MSA Professional Services, Inc. 1230 South Boulevard Baraboo, WI 53913 Tim Mikonowicz, P.E. +1 (608) 355-8905 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. STH 58 (south) Sidewalk (East Ditch, Storm Sewer, and Sidewalk) roadway and utility repairs will consist of the following: 1. Excavate and embank approximately 265 and 635 cubic yards, respectively, of site material to form a new 6ft bottom ditch line east of the existing ditch and raise the existing sidewalk corridor along STH 58 south. 2. Remove the existing 24-inch culvert under North River Street and extend with 135 lineal feet of new 30-inch HDPE culvert with RCP apron endwall at the receiving and discharge ends. 3. Remove and replace the existing storm sewer structure with a new 48-inch manhole and approximately 100 lineal feet of 24in HDPE pipe at the existing low point on the east side of STH 58. 4. Grade, form, pour, and finish approximately 2,625 square feet of 5-inch thick, 5-foot wide, concrete sidewalk. 5. Install temporary and permanent erosion control BMPs including but not limited to: erosion mat, silt fence, ditch checks, and medium rip rap. 6. Reshaping, grading, and topsoiling of new terrace, backslopes, ditch bottom, and fore slopes, approximately 2,400 square yards of turf restoration.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, La Valle, WI

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