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Published April 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Questions Due Date: Mar 18th 2024, 4:00 PM EDT Estimated Contract Value: $4,600,000 to $5,500,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The Northwestern Chester County Municipal Authority (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: WWTP NITRIFICATION UPGRADE PROJECT R000483.0446 The Project generally consists of selective demolition of the existing influent structure building, Tertiary Lagoons' Buildings 1 and 2, aeration equipment, lagoon effluent pumps and piping; abandonment and restoration of Tertiary Lagoon 1; structural inspection and repairs to the existing influent structure; replacement of the existing Primary Lagoons surface aeration system with a diffused aeration system; construction of an aerated moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) system; construction of a new blower building; installation of aeration equipment and blowers; installation of sewer and aeration piping, valving, and pipe appurtenances; replacement of existing lagoon effluent pumps, piping, and controls; replacement of an existing utility water system; all electrical and mechanical work required, and all other appurtenances required and associated work identified in the Contract Documents. Separate Bids will be received for the following Contracts: Contract No. WWTP-1: General Construction, Contract No. WWTP-2: Electrical Construction, and Contract No. WWTP-3: Mechanical Construction. Bids shall be on a lump sum for all contracts. Bid security in the form a Certified Check or Bid Bond shall be furnished with the bid in an amount not less than 10% and made payable to or naming as oblige the Northwestern Chester County Municipal Authority. Bid security shall be received by Ralph E. Spayd, P.E., Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc., 501 Allendale Rd, Suite 203, King of Prussia, PA 19406, no later than three calendar days after submission the Sealed Bid. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted via online in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Telephone inquiries are unacceptable. All bidders are hereby notified that in regard to any contract pursuant to this advertisement, businesses will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of gender, race, color, creed, sex, age, physical disability or national origin in consideration for an award. Similarly the successful bidder shall in no manner discriminate against or intimidate any employee involved in the manufacture of supplies, the performance of work, or any other activity required under the contract on account of gender, race, creed or color. This Project is being federally funded by EPA financial assistance dollars and therefore requires all contractors to demonstrate compliance with federal Executive Orders 11625, 12138 and 12432 and EPA Regulations at 40 CFR Part 33, through the detailed documentation of solicitation of Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBEs). Contractors must demonstrate the Six Good Faith Efforts to identify and solicit DBE firms that are potential sources for any procurement action in the areas of project construction, equipment, services and supplies by including state qualified small businesses, and minority and women owned business enterprises in the bidding process. The Northwestern Chester County Municipal Authority reserves the right to waive any defects, errors, omissions, mistakes, informalities, to accept any bid or combination of bids that are deemed to be in the best interest of the Northwestern Chester County Municipal Authority, and to reject any or all proposals. Bid Results : Contract Nos. WWTP-1 Pact Two, LLC $5,455,000 Contract Nos. WWTP-2 B.J. Baldwin Electric Inc. $ 1,598,000.00

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Water / Sewer


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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Summary, Summary of Work, Work Covered by Contract Documents, Work Restrictions, Use of Site, Price and Payment Procedures, Allowances, Cash Allowances, Contract Modification Procedures, Payment Procedures, Schedule of Values, Administrative Requirements, Construction Progress Documentation, Submittal Procedures, Certificates, Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements, References, Definitions, Reference Standards, Quality Assurance, Installer Qualifications, Temporary Facilities and Controls, Vehicular Access and Parking, Traffic Control, Temporary Controls, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Examination and Preparation, Acceptance of Conditions, Execution, Application, Erection, Cleaning and Waste Management, Progress Cleaning, Closeout Procedures, Closeout Submittals, Maintenance Data, Bonds, Project Record Documents, Spare Parts, Facility Operation, Facility Operation Procedures, Facility Maintenance Procedures
Division 03 - Concrete

Division 03 - Concrete

Concrete Forming and Accessories, Concrete Forming, Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete Forming, Concrete Reinforcing, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Architectural Concrete, Concrete Finishing, Specialty Placed Concrete, Precast Concrete, Precast Structural Concrete
Division 04 - Masonry

Division 04 - Masonry

Unit Masonry, Concrete Unit Masonry, Stone Assemblies
Division 05 - Metals

Division 05 - Metals

Cold-Formed Metal Framing, Metal Fabrications, Metal Stairs, Metal Ladders
Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites

Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites

Rough Carpentry, Sheathing, Finish Carpentry
Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection

Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection

Dampproofing and Waterproofing, Thermal Protection, Roofing and Siding Panels, Siding, Fire and Smoke Protection, Firestopping, Joint Protection
Division 08 - Openings

Division 08 - Openings

Openings, Doors and Frames, Metal Doors and Frames, Specialty Doors and Frames, Coiling Doors and Grilles, Panel Doors, Windows, Aluminum Windows, Bronze Windows, Stainless-Steel Windows, Steel Windows, Hardware, Door Hardware, Glazing
Division 09 - Finishes

Division 09 - Finishes

Finishes, Maintenance of Finishes, Ceilings, Flooring, Painting and Coating, Painting, High-Performance Coatings
Division 10 - Specialties

Division 10 - Specialties

Exterior Specialties, Protective Covers
Division 12 - Furnishings

Division 12 - Furnishings

Furnishings and Accessories, Rugs and Mats, Runners, Furniture, Seating, Chairs, Multiple Seating
Division 13 - Special Construction

Division 13 - Special Construction

Special Structures, Fabricated Engineered Structures, Metal Building Systems
Division 22 - Plumbing

Division 22 - Plumbing

Plumbing, Common Work Results for Plumbing, General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping, Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, Plumbing Insulation, Plumbing Piping and Pumps, Facility Water Distribution, Domestic Water Piping, Plumbing Equipment, Electric Domestic Water Heaters, Fuel-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Common Work Results for HVAC, General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping, Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment, Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC, HVAC Insulation, HVAC Piping and Pumps, Hydronic Piping and Pumps, Hydronic Pumps, HVAC Air Distribution, HVAC Ducts and Casings, HVAC Fans, HVAC Power Ventilators, Air Outlets and Inlets, Central HVAC Equipment, Decentralized HVAC Equipment, Convection Heating and Cooling Units, Unit Heaters
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Electrical, Common Work Results for Electrical, Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables, Control-Voltage Electrical Power Cables, Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems, Identification for Electrical Systems, Commissioning of Electrical Systems, Instrumentation and Control for Electrical Systems, Medium-Voltage Electrical Distribution, Medium-Voltage Transformers, Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution, Low-Voltage Transformers, Switchboards and Panelboards, Switchboards, Panelboards, Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment, Electrical Cabinets and Enclosures, Low-Voltage Circuit Protective Devices, Fuses, Low-Voltage Controllers, Enclosed Controllers, Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment, Packaged Generator Assemblies, Power Filters and Conditioners, Harmonic Filters, Lighting
Division 27 - Communications

Division 27 - Communications

Structured Cabling, Communications Backbone Cabling, Communications Optical Fiber Backbone Cabling, Voice Communications
Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Electronic Safety and Security, Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 31 - Earthwork

Earthwork, Common Work Results for Earthwork, Soils for Earthwork, Aggregates for Earthwork, Earth Moving, Grading, Rough Grading, Excavation and Fill, Excavation, Trenching, Dewatering, Fill, Backfill, Compaction, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls, Earthwork Methods, Soil Treatment, Rodent Control, Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements, Foundation Anchors
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Bases, Ballasts, and Paving, Base Courses, Aggregate Base Courses, Planting
Division 33 - Utilities

Division 33 - Utilities

Water Utilities, Water Utility Distribution Piping, Electrical Utilities, Utility Substations, Communications Utilities, Communications Distribution
Division 34 - Transportation

Division 34 - Transportation

Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction

Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction

Waterway and Marine Construction and Equipment, Coastal Construction, Shoreline Protection
Division 40 - Process Interconnections

Division 40 - Process Interconnections

Process Integration, Common Work Results for Process Integration, Gas and Vapor Process Piping, Instrumentation and Control for Process Systems, Process Control Auxiliary Devices
Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment

Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment

Bulk Material Processing Equipment, Bulk Material Feeders, Feeders, Piece Material Handling Equipment, Lifting Devices, Clamps
Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment

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Multiple Locations, Honey Brook, PA

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