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Published May 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

*As of May 21, 2024, This project has been awarded to Barb-Lin Carpet, with the awarded amount of $202,994.30. 2024 Summer Flooring Replacement at GROVELAND, MILL CREEK AND LINDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND LENAPE, UNAMI AND HOLICONG MIDDLE SCHOOLS AND CB HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH Locations- CB High School South (1100 Folly Road, Warrington, PA 18976); Mill Creek Elementary School (638 Bellflower Boulevard, Warrington, PA 18976), Unami Middle School (160 South Moyer Road, Chalfont, PA 18914), Lenape Middle School (313 West State Street, Doylestown, PA 18901), Linden Elementary School (480 Linden Ave, Doylestown, PA 18901), Groveland Elementary School (1100 North Easton Road, Doylestown, PA 18902), and Holicong Middle School (2900 Holicong Road, Doylestown, PA The Work consists of the following: 1. Remove and properly dispose of existing flooring and accessories. 2. Prep scope of work floor area per manufacturer requirements following removal. Provide new skim coat over entire scope of work area per manufacturer (typ). 3. Install new floor finish and accessories including, but not limited to transition material (reducer, threshold, etc.) at all flooring transitions (typ). 4. At areas to receive new floor finish with existing rubber/vinyl wall base, scope includes removal of existing base and installation of new wall base. 18902) Question Deadline: 03/29/2024 at 2:00 PM ET, Questions during the bidding process shall be submitted via online . In the event of default and subsequent award of the contract to another bidder, the bidder shall be liable for the difference between the amount of his bid and the amount for which the Owner is obligated to pay on an award to another bidder and any and all costs associated with a rebid, less the ten percent (10%) security. Should the Owner fail to make any awards through no fault or failures on the part of the bidders, then Owner shall return said Bid Deposits. A Bank Cashier's, Bank Treasurer's Certified Check or Bid Bond in Favor of the Central Bucks School District in the Amount of 10% of the Total Base Bid is Required From Each Bidder and Must Be Enclosed With the Bid. Each Bidder shall submit with his Proposal a statement from Surety certifying that the Surety Company will provide the bidder with a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, in the full amount (100%) of the awarded contract amount, should the Bidder be awarded the work. The Agreement of Surety shall be in the form as set forth herein and shall be dated, signed and sealed by an authorized officer of the company. Prior to the start of the guarantee period and before final payment is made, the Bidder who is awarded a Contract shall provide the Owner with a Maintenance Bond, together with power of attorney, in the amount of (10%) of the contract amount to insure the replacement or repair of defective materials or workmanship for two (2) years from the date of final completion. (A nominal fee of 0.33% of the bid amount (up to $5,000.00) is assessed only to the successful bidders.) Pre bid info : Holicong Middle School (2900 Holicong Road, Doylestown, PA 18902). It is Important That All Bidders Attend This Meeting. Proposals shall conform to all other requirements as more fully set forth in the bidding documents. The Central Bucks School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informality in any bid, to eliminate or reduce items or quantities, and exercise its judgment as to the comparative merit of the products and services offered. June 17, 2024: Start of Contractor on site at all locations except Mill Creek ES o August 5, 2024 Start of Contractor on site at Mill Creek ES o August 16, 2024: Substantial Completion o August 30, 2024: Final Completion 1) Remove and properly dispose of existing flooring and accessories. 2) Prep scope of work floor area per manufacturer requirements following removal. 3) Install new floor finish and accessories including, but not limited to transition material (reducer, threshold, etc.) at all flooring transitions (typ). 4) Scope includes new continuous carpet treads and risers at stage stairs. 5) Existing stone/wood base to remain (typ). Where existing stone/wood base remains, terminate new flooring beneath existing base to remain wherever possible. If base extends to substrate which prevents installation beneath; terminate flooring tight to wall base to remain. Voids and/or raised flooring edges are not acceptable. 6) District shall temporarily disconnect electric at floor boxes for seat aisle lighting to allow for removal of fixed seating fastened through the floor finish. 7) Contractor is responsible to remove/store fixed seating fastened through floor finish following coordination of electric disconnect with district. Contractor to coordinate flooring with any penetrations required for seat fasteners. Contractor is responsible to reinstall seating following flooring installation. 8) Coordinate and remove/reinstall existing handrails, escutcheons/face plates, boxes, etc. as required for flooring installation (typ) 9) Assume stage extension(s) will remain throughout. Advise in advance if portions are required to be removed to permit flooring installation




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Multiple Locations, Doylestown, PA

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2024 Summer Flooring Replacement at Groveland, Mill Creek and Linden Elementary Schools and Lenape, Unami and Holicong Middle Schools and CB High School South

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