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Published May 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

As of May 7, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established. 800 Montgomery Parking Lot Repaving for Facilities Management Department. PGW is a municipally-owned utility operated by the Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation (hereafter referred to as "PFMC"). PGW provides natural gas service to approximately 502,000 active accounts within the city of Philadelphia, using 6,000 miles of gas mains and services. PGW is the only utility currently distributing natural gas within the city of Philadelphia, and its mission is to provide safe, reliable natural gas service to the citizens of Philadelphia at a reasonable cost. Question Deadline 03/26/2024 at 2:00 PM ET Questions and requests for clarification or information must be received, via electronically These dates are estimates only and PGW reserves the right to alter this schedule as it deems necessary or appropriate. MBE (5%), WBE (5%) general project notes - contractor shall furnish all equipment, labor, and materials required for the resurfacing of the east and west parking lots at 800 west montgomery ave. contractor shall engage each phase labeled in the drawing consecutively as to reduce parking disruption to the bare minimum. contractor shall responsibly engage in the demolition and disposal of the existing, adherent to all city of philadelphia and penndot codes and regulations. contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all debris and unused material at the completion of the project. contractor shall only work in appropriate conditions, i.e. proper ambient temperature, precipitation, etc. the existing grade of the parking lot shall not be changed. all existing structures, e.g. raised concrete tree beds, existing man hole covers, and drains, are to remain and shall be undisturbed. it is the contractor's responsibility to leave these structures intact, use hand tools near them if necessary. scope and/or materials list may be modified by the contractor with the written approval of the pgw project manager. proposed plan detail pullouts are generic and not necessarily specific to job type. contractor must verify and observe proper installation practice according to all city of philadelphia and penndot standards. paving and surfacing remove any existing parking blocks. blocks may be reused with the approval of the pgw project manager. if blocks are deemed unusable, replace with new blocks. demolish all existing pavement. remove all material and apply new aggregate base in accordance with city of philadelphia and penndot standards. place hot mix asphalt over the prepared base in a manner which allows the new grade to match the old grade. contractor must ensure continuous grade as to avoid creating areas for water to pool. once asphalt is placed and struck off, it shall be rigorously and uniformly compacted so that any and all cracking and irregularities are eliminated. all curbs, edges, inlets, and man holes must be sealed before placement of tack coat. all joints shall be inspected by the contractor and if deemed unacceptable, must be addressed for repair. contractor shall be required to re-stripe the parking lot to match the drawing. handicap spaces shall be striped and painted in conformity with the 2010 ada standards for accessible design, sections 208 & 502. contractor shall guarantee workmanship, materials, and maintenance for a period of one year. updated per pgw comments 3.1. all material shall be selected after consulting the specifications herein. all choices shall be made in congruence with publication 408, section 409, as issued by the pennsylvania department of transportation. aggregates coarse aggregate: astm d692 fine aggregate: astm d 1073 mineral filler: astm d 242 asphalt asphalt binder: aashto m 332 tack coat: astm d 977


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work



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April 8, 2024

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800 W Montgomery Ave, Philadelphia, PA

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