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Site work for a water / sewer project in Jersey City, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Maintenance Dredging of the New York and New Jersey Harbor, Port Jersey Channel, New Jersey, Federal Navigation Project. Background Information The New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) proposes to perform maintenance dredging of portions of the New York and New Jersey Harbor, Port Jersey Channel, New Jersey, Federal Navigation Project to a depth of -50 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) plus 1-foot allowable overdepth. The dredged material would be subsequently transported and placed, as remediation material, at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS), approximately 5 miles east of Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The proposed maintenance dredging would remove approximately 420,000 cubic yards (CY) to a depth of -50 feet MLLW + 1-foot allowable overdepth of selected critical shoals from the Port Jersey Channel. Volume of anticipated dredged material will be subject to availability of funds. The dredged material is expected to consist of sand, silt and clay. The Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission - Utility Corridor crosses under the Port Jersey Channel. The purpose of the proposed work is to alleviate the effects of shoaling and restore the authorized project dimensions, thereby providing safe and economical use of the Port Jersey Channel by commercial and recreational boating interests while providing future beneficial use of the dredged material. Due to restrictions found in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Water Quality Certificate, the proposed work can only be performed by utilizing a mechanical dredge with a closed clamshell environmental bucket. Additionally, multiple ocean-going scows and tug boats will be needed to perform the work during the dredging, transport and placement activities. The dredged material would be required to meet all federal, state, and approved local criteria required by the government agencies having jurisdiction where the dredging and placement sites are located. The contractor will be required to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of receipt of the notice to proceed (NTP), and to prosecute said work diligently and to complete the basic work ready for use not later than fifty (50) calendar days after the receipt by him of the NTP. The contractor is required to maintain an integrated production of at least 6,000 CY per calendar day for the dredging, transportation, and final placement of the material. When dredging over the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission - Utility Corridor, the contractor will be required to maintain an integrated production rate of at least 1,000 cubic yards per calendar day for the dredging, transportation, and final placement of the material. The work is estimated to cost is between $5,000,000.00 and $10,000,000.00. Solicitation for the subject project is expected to be available in June 2024, with bid opening in July 2024. It is the intention of the government to award in August 2024 and issue NTP within fourteen (14) calendar days of the award date. Liquidated Damages of $2,520.00 per calendar day of delay will be assessed to the contractor until all work under the contract is accepted as complete. This is an unrestricted Procurement. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. 70022.TOX

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Water / Sewer


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August 8, 2024

October 7, 2024


Multiple Locations, Jersey City, NJ

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