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Published October 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Tuscola, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Designed Overlay Resurfacing from Coles Co Line to 0.3 mi north of US 36. VBP % 0.00 Region 3 District 5 Federal Project # NHPP1E7W(301) County(S) Douglas Key Route(S) FAI 57 Marked Route(S) I-57 Section(S) (15,21-25,21-26,27)RS-2 State Job #(S) C-95-064-18 Pps #(S) 5-53115-1000 Contract Specifics Project Labor Agreement 115 Working Days Questions not accepted as of April 16, 2024 04:30 PM. Questions directed to: IDOT Contracts Office Harry R. Hanley Building Room 326 2300 South Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62764 (217) 782-7806 Fax: (217) 785-1141 TDD: (217) 524-4875 DOT.DE-Contracts@illinois.gov Unless otherwise indicated, a proposal guaranty is required by bid bonds, cashier's check or properly certified check for not less than 5 (five) percent of the bid amount. If the proposal is accepted and the bidder is declared "not responsive," it is hereby agreed that the amount of the proposal guaranty will become the property of the State of Illinois and shall be considered as payment of damages due to the delay and other causes suffered by the State because of the failure to adhere to the procedures required. Otherwise, the bid bond will become void or the proposal guaranty check will be returned to the bidder. Contractors who desire to become prequalified or to renew their prequalification for this letting must file with the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Construction, Room 322, 2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62764, a Contractor's Statement of Experience and Financial Condition no later than 4:30 PM prevailing local time, April 05, 2024. A contractor will not be prequalified for this letting unless the statement is received before the time and day established. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive minor or immaterial irregularities, informalities or technicalities, to advertise for new bids, or to request confirmation or clarification from any bidder regarding a bid. ILDOT - 078 - Designed Overlay Resurfacing The proposed improvement is identified and advertised for bids in the Invitation for Bids as: Contract No. 70C24 DOUGLAS County Section (15,21-25,21-26,27)RS-2 Project NHPP-1E7W(301) Route FAI 57 District 5 Construction Funds INTENT OF PROJECT The intent of this designed overlay resurfacing project on F.A.I. 57 (I-57) is to replace the deteriorating pavement surface and improve the integrity of the pavement structure. The limits for the project extend from Coles County Line to 0.3 miles north of U.S. 36. Project limits include the ramps of the interchange between F.A.I. 57 (I-57) and U.S. Route 36. Also, included in the improvements is the replacement of existing guardrail along the highway corridor. This work shall be completed utilizing lane closures in accordance with applicable Highway Standards. Appropriate measures shall be taken by the Contractor to preserve the surrounding environment and to provide maximum protection to the public while minimizing its disruption and inconvenience. DESCRIPTION OF WORK For the mainline pavement, there will be milling of the existing HMA resurfacing to the concrete (Class A Patching 8in) to mitigate D cracking. After milling, layering of Longitudinal Joint Seal, inlay with Polymerized HMA Binder Course IL 19.0 N90 will be added. The Binder Course lift thickness shall not exceed 4in for the proposed improvement. Covering the binder and joint seal for the last layering will consist of Polymerized HMA Surface Course with Stone Matrix Asphalt Mix E, 2 inches. Pertaining to the shoulder work, HMA Surface Removal, 5 inches thick, shall be carried out in the inside 4 feet, replaced by Polymerized HMA Surface Course Mix C, 5 inches. For finishing, installation of Shoulder Rumble Strips, 6in Inlay Thermoplastic Pavement Marking and dual raised recessed pavement markers. Beyond the 4-foot dimensions of the HMA shoulder inlay, Bituminous Surface Treatment (A1) and Fog Seal will be placed. This work shall consist of hot-mix asphalt surface removal, when required, the removal and disposal of all loose and deteriorated concrete and the replacement with new concrete to the original top of approach slab. The work shall be done according to the applicable requirements of Sections 501, 503 and 1020 of the Standard Specifications and this Special Provision.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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April 26, 2024

May 27, 2024


I-57, Tuscola, IL

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