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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Driggs, Idaho. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project Description & Scope of Services The City of Driggs is Soliciting Statements of Qualifications From Qualified Firms or Teams Of Firms Licensed to Provide the Necessary Professional Services Required to Prepare a Multimodal Transportation Master Plan for the City of Driggs Idaho. Consultant Tasks Are Expected to Include: 1. Assessment of Existing Conditions, and Forecast Conditions, for Road and Nonmotorized Networks, Including Traffic Modeling of Key Corridors and Intersections, and Including Assessment of the City's Transportation Operations And Asset Management Program; 2. Stakeholder Engagement, Including With Idaho Transportation Department (District 6) and Teton County, Idaho; 3. Community Engagement; 4. Development of Transportation Master Plan Vision, Goals, and Objectives; 5. Preparation of Future System Maps and Capital Improvements Programs for Road And Non-motorized Networks to Meet Plan Goals and Objectives; 6. Recommendation of Modification to the City's Access Policies and Design Standards for Roads and Non-motorized Facilities; and 7. Recommendation for Improvement to Transportation Operations and Asset Management. 5/13/2024 Shortlisted Firms Contacted / Interviews Scheduled 5/16/2024 Interviews Conducted and Top Firm Identified 5/21/2024 City Council Acceptance of Recommended Firm 6/5/2024 Contract Negotiated and Executed 1/31/2025 Anticipated Contract Completion All interested parties are encouraged to submit a written "Notice of Intent to Submit SOQ -Driggs Transportation Master Plan". Failure to submit written notice shall waive any obligation on behalf of the City of Driggs to provide notice of any alterations in the RFQ process and/or responses to questions concerning the RFQ. Interested parties can provide written notice by sending an e-mail to Doug Self, Driggs Community Development Director, , with the "Notice of Intent to Submit SOQ - Driggs Transportation Master Plan" in the subject line. The body of the email shall contain the name of the interested party, a contact person to receive any information from the City concerning the RFQ process and that person's contact information.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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