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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Port Orchard, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Question Deadline 12/13/2024 All prospective bidder questions and the Citys response will be sent via email, if possible, to all prospective bidders approximately 2 days prior to the bid opening. Sealed bids for construction of the Melcher Street Pump Station Rehabilitation Project The project consists of work to be performed within 120 work- ing days from notice to proceed. Additional working days may be granted for delays in the arrival of Owner Furnished-Contractor Installed (OFCI) equipment of more than 50 days. The project consists of furnishing all mate- rials, equipment, tools, labor, and other work or items inciden- tal theretofore and as generally described as follows: The Melcher Street Pump Station Rehabilitation Project removes the two water distri- bution pressure booster pump/ motor sets, control valves, isola- tion valves, piping, controls, die- sel generator, associated genera- tor components, lighting, and elec- trical panels and branch circuits. The project scope includes instal- lation of new pump/motor sets, controls valves, isolation valves, piping, controls, diesel generator and associated components, vari- able frequency drives, CT cabinet, automatic and manual transfer switches, portable generator con- nection box, power panel, lighting, and related power branch circuits, and all other work as described in the plans and specifications. The new diesel generator and asso- ciated components are Owner Furnished-Contractor Installed (OFCI) equipment. For a com- plete list of OFCI equipment refer to Technical Specification section 263213 Engine Generators. The existing generator and associat- ed components can be shipped out of the pump station, and the new generator and associated compo- nents shipped into the pump sta- tion by way of either the existing east or south ventilation openings. The east ventilation opening is the preferred route. Removal of the existing ventilation louver and screen system will be required. Contractor may trim or cut the existing 6-inch to 8-inch tree, located approximately 100 inches east of the east ventilation opening if needed to utilize the east venti- lation opening. Tree stump must. remain. Cut as close to the ground as possible. Remove any trimming or cutting debris from the site. If the south shipping route is chosen, removal of a masonry screen wall will be required. Reinstallation of the louver and screen system to a complete and operable condi tion will be required upon comple. tion of the generator installation. Reconstruction of the masonry screen wall and repair to any damaged structure is required. All work necessary to complete the project as described in the Contract documents is included in the lump sum bid items in the proposal. The Engineer's construc- tion estimate for this project is $682,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid securi- ty (bid deposit) in the form of a cash deposit, certified or cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond made payable the to City of Port Orchard, for a sum not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid, includ- ing sales tax. Should the success- ful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory payment and performance bonds within the time stated in the Specifications, the bid security (bid deposit/bond) shall be forfeit- ed to the City of Port Orchard. The award of the Contract will go to the qualified bidder submit- quame ting the lowest responsible and responsive bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informality or irreg- ularity in the bidding and make the award as deemed to be in the best interest of the City and the public.

GC Bidding

Water / Sewer


Public - City






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W Melcher St, Port Orchard, WA

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