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Published April 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is to provide interested area Solid Waste Contractors with sufficient information to submit proposals for consideration by the City of St. Joseph ("City") in connection with its needs for Residential Solid Waste Services including Recycling and Yard Waste. Favorable pricing will be one element of the selection process, but the experience of the firm, qualifications, experience and ability of assigned staff, completeness of the level of service proposed and timeliness of service proposed by the Bidder will be significant factors in award of this contract. Final decision on selection of the Bidder for this project will be determined by the City Commission. The City reserves the right to reject any proposals or parts of proposals. The City also reserves the right to waive any irregularities, inconsistencies, or take what other action is appropriate as determined by the City to be in the best interest of the City. The City of St. Joseph, a community of 7,800 residents, located in Berrien County, Michigan is seeking one qualified and responsible company to provide refuse, recycling, and yard waste collection services to all residential customers located within the city limits. The City estimates approximately 3,550 units to be served. The City seeks a contractor who can provide the services described in this Request for Proposal at a reasonable cost in a clean, courteous, and well- executed manner with uninterrupted and continuous services, while exploring enhanced service options as described in the Request for Proposals (RFP) Scope of Work/Services: Contractor shall provide collection, transportation, and disposal services to the City for household waste, recyclable materials, yard waste, construction debris, and bulk waste, described below in detail. a. Residential Waste. Contractor shall provide each residential unit with the following services for collection and disposal of solid waste: o A suitable 96-gallon covered wheeled cart for collection of solid waste o Weekly curbside pickup o A suitable 2, 6, 8 or 30 yd dumpster for collection of solid waste for residential condominium properties as requested: currently provided to 3 locations with potential for more locations in the future o Weekly collection for dumpsters o Transportation and disposal of collected solid waste to a disposal site. b. Residential Recycling. Contractor shall provide each residential unit with the following services for collection and disposal of recyclable material: o A suitable 96-gallon covered wheeled cart for collection of recyclable materials. o Bi-weekly curbside pickup on the same day as solid waste collection o Single stream (non-sorted) collection o Transportation and disposal of collected recyclable material to a recycling site. c. Yard Waste. Contractor shall provide each residential unit that chooses to participate, with the following services for collection and disposal of yard waste, directly billing residents who elect this service: o A suitable 96-gallon covered wheeled cart to each participating residential unit. o Collection from March 15 to December 15. o Transportation and disposal of collected yard waste to a composting facility. d. Special Collection. Contractor shall provide each residential unit with the following services for collection of solid waste and bulk waste: o Three (3) special curbside collections or nine (9) cubic yards per year, scheduled through the City. o Transportation and disposal of collected solid waste and bulk waste to a disposal site. e. Downtown Recycling. Contractor shall provide the following services in the City's downtown area for collection and disposal of recyclable material: o One 6-yard container for cardboard recycling at a location agreed upon by the City and contractor, collected twice a week o Five 8-yard containers for cardboard recycling at a location agreed upon by the City and contractor, collected twice a week on days agreed upon by the City and contractor. f. Public Works. Contractor shall provide the City's Public Works facility for collection and disposal of solid waste, construction debris, and bulk waste: o One-40-yard container emptied upon request of the City o Transportation and disposal of waste collected to a disposal site. Evaluation of Proposals The City intends to evaluate all proposals quickly and be prepared to recommend an award at the May 13, 2024 City Commission meeting Term of Contract: The term of the agreement will be for five (5) years beginning July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029, with an option to extend for an additional three (3) years. Issuing Officer (Point of Contact) Questions regarding the scope of work to be accomplished may be directed to Liam Cormier, Streets and Sanitation Superintendent at 269-985-0306 or Greg Grothous, Director of Public Works at (269) 985-0309.


Residential Subdivision

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 23, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Saint Joseph, MI

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