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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Grand Ledge, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

**As of April 24, 2024 project was officially awarded to Asphalt Restoration Inc for $1.115 per pound of creak sealing. The lowest bidder is Asphalt restoration, MI for $1.115 per pound of creak sealing. Summary: The City of Grand Ledge is requesting sealed bid proposals for crack sealing on several major and local streets and parking lots. Crack sealing shall consist of furnishing labor, equipment, and materials required to prepare the street surface for application of overband crack fill to pavement fractures. The applied material shall completely fill the entire cavity and provide a durable wearing surface. The materials and methods shall meet or exceed the requirements of the Michigan Department of Transportation's 2012 Standard Specification for Construction. The City of Grand Ledge does not guarantee a minimum value of the contract. Companies with demonstrated experience in street crack sealing and preventative maintenance with an interest in making their services available to the City of Grand Ledge are invited to respond to the RFP. The submitted proposals will be used as a basis for awarding work. Proposal Questions: Any questions related to the RFP, may be directed to Dave Gutchess, Public Services Superintendent, 517-622-7925, dgutchess@cityofgrandledge.com. The bid price shall not include an allowance for State Sales Taxes or Federal Excise Tax. The city, upon request, will provide the successful bidder(s) with properly executed tax exemption certificates or tax exemption numbers. All other taxes required by law shall be paid by the successful Contractor(s). Any proposal may be withdrawn or modified by written request, provided such request is received by the city at the above address prior to the date and time established for receipt of proposals. Proposals not so withdrawn shall constitute a firm offer to provide the services contained therein and shall remain firm for acceptance for sixty (60) days. The cost of preparing a response to this RFP, including site visits, is the Contractor's sole responsibility and will not be reimbursed by the City of Grand Ledge. The city reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to award the contract(s) to other than the low bidder, to accept any or all alternatives, to waive irregularities and/or informalities and, in general, to make the award in any manner deemed by it, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the owner. Minimum Qualifications: Experience: Provide evidence of similar experience that demonstrates your ability to successfully provide the services requested in this RFP. Include names and contact information from three (3) past projects for reference purposes. Cost: A fee structure must be submitted with a not-to-exceed amount for the services as indicated above (see attached Bidder's Proposal, Attachment C). General Description: The City has budgeted for a approximately of 60,000 lbs. of sealant to be applied by June 14, 2024. It is expected to be distributed as follows: Major streets - 18,500 lbs. Local streets - 37,000 lbs. Parking lots - 4,500 lbs. The City will provide a prioritized listing of the streets and parking lots to be sealed once the bid is awarded and will monitor the quantity of material applied. The contractor will be required to provide a daily accounting of the quantity of material applied. The City will define the limits of work on each street and co-ordinate with the contractor to not exceed the budgeted funding. Work will be deemed complete once budget limits are reached regardless of the number of streets remaining to be completed. The contractor shall provide daily the following information: Name of streets completed the preceding day in order of completion. Date, tie work commenced and ended, air temperature at hourly intervals, and summary of weather. Material certifications and daily amounts of sealant applied for the preceding day. Traffic shall not be permitted on the overband crack fill material until it has cooled sufficiently to prevent tracking. Any damage to the treated pavement areas shall be repaired at the contractor's expense. Crack filling work must be completed by June 14, 2024. The completed work will be paid based on the total pounds of overband crack fill material applied multiplied by the bid price per pound.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 16, 2024

May 16, 2024


Multiple Locations, Grand Ledge, MI

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