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Published April 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a mixed-use development in Jaffrey, New Hampshire. Working plans call for the demolition of a 24,075-square-foot educational facility; and for site work for a 24,075-square-foot educational facility.

"As of April 19, 2024, bids received were withdrawn. No definite date for the rebid." Through this Request for Proposals (RFP) the Town of Jaffrey (Town) on behalf of MJ and MJ Realty Ventures, LLC is soliciting bids from qualified building demolition contractors for the demolition of a vacant 24,075 sq. ft. school building located at 70 Main St, Jaffrey. Demolition work will include demolition and removal of the building and hazardous building materials such as asbestos and asbestos containing materials. The structure is to be demolished to concrete foundation and concrete slab. All above ground material including wood, glass, shingles, roofing material, appliances, insulation and any other material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with applicable State and Federal statutes. Contact Persons: Jo Anne Carr, Planning & Economic Development Director, 603-532-7880 x 110 Todd Croteau, Superintendent of Highways & Facilities, 603-532-6521 x 401 Project Background The project is being funded under the InvestNH Municipal Grant Program - Demolition; and as a result, will follow the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs and Town of Jaffrey grant agreement. Rejection or Cancellation of Bids The Town reserves the right to reject or cancel any and all bids, or any part of any or all bids if such action is deemed to be in its best interest to do so. SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUIRED The selected firm will be tasked with demolition administration, inspection and oversight through the project's completion. In general, the sections of your submission should include the following: Company Overview Each consultant shall provide an overview of their company that shall include a minimum of the following: 1. Location of corporate headquarters. 2. Office location where the project team will be located. 3. Number of years in business for corporate and branch offices. 4. Other names that the firm has conducted business under. 5. Overview of the company and types of engineering services provided. 6. The bid shall be signed by an authorized individual. Project Team 1. Include a Project Team and Organization Chart of all individuals who will be assigned to work on this project. Three applicable references shall be included. Provide narrative examples of three (3) projects similar in nature and scope to this RFP. 2. Years of experience and qualifications in performing a range of demolition services in compliance with NESHAP standards, include team's resumes and applicable certifications. 3. List any proposed subconsultants, their intended scope of work and qualifications. 4. Capacity to complete the demolition of similar structures within a short period of time. This shall include a plan for recycling and removal of waste, debris and used construction materials. Site shall be cleared of all waste, rubbish and other debris and leave the site in an acceptable manner to the Town's representative. Project Cost and Delivery Date 1. The Contractor shall provide a not to exceed cost for all work and services as well as a breakdown of costs, including mobilization, labor, materials, products, disposal fees and other expenses necessary to complete the project. Permitting shall include required NH DES and EPA Clean Air Act. Town permits shall not be charged a fee. 2. The Contractor shall provide an approximate schedule of work recognizing the Town's preference to complete the project in as short a period as possible. Insurance 1. Proof of insurance to include $2 million general and automobile liability as well as worker's compensation. The Town of Jaffrey and MJ and MJ Realty Ventures, LLC to be included as "also insured." Detailed Scope of Services 1. Demolition and removal of all above ground buildings, concrete/asphalt slabs, foundations, appurtenances, garbage, and debris. 2. Demolition and removal of site improvements, including, but not limited to concrete sidewalk, ramps, entrances, and utilities. Concrete sidewalk is limited to the portion adjacent to the building. 3. Removal and disposal of asbestos in accordance with State of New Hampshire Asbestos Abatement Specifications and the Federal Clean Air Act (and all implementing regulations). 4. Filling of the demolition site with clean, non-hazardous/lead free gravel of 1" or less, to meet existing site grades, compacted as necessary to stabilize the material and eliminate excessive settling. 5. Installation of soil, erosion-sedimentation control, and stormwater management as required by NHDES and local regulations/ordinances. 6. Contractor must have adequate on-site dust control and erosion measures in place. Contractor may use the onsite hydrant as source of water for the project. 7. Verify Utility disconnects. Successful bidder should contact Public Works Department and Water/Sewer Utilities Department before working and coordinate all activities with the Town. 8. Maintain protection of adjacent structures, utilities and properties. This shall include the installation of temporary safety/construction fencing around the perimeter of the designated project area 9. Unless identified/specified by the Town, any and all building contents, become the property of the contractor, with salvage value to be a consideration in the bid price. 10. Contractor must secure all necessary permits to cut and/or cap all utilities including water, electricity, and sewer; contact Dig Safe and coordinate identification of all above ground /underground utilities. 11. Contractor must drain, purge, or otherwise remove, collect, and dispose of chemicals, gases, explosives, acids, flammables, or other dangerous materials before proceeding with demolition operations. 12. Contractor must employ a certified, licensed exterminator to treat the building and to control rodents and vermin before and during demolition operations. 13. Contractor shall not obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from the Town and authorities having jurisdiction. Contractor shall provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. 14. Furthermore, Contractor shall arrange for police detail as required during demolition activities. 15. Contractor must erect temporary protection such as walks, fences, railings, canopies, where required by authorities having jurisdiction. 16 The Contractor shall install appropriate erosion control measures northeasterly of the project area in proximity to wetlands at the top of slope - approximately at the 1015 ft elevation. 17. Contractor shall erect temporary safety/construction fencing around the perimeter of the project area.

Final Planning



Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

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April 19, 2024

October 19, 2024


70 Main St, Jaffrey, NH

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