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Published May 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and addition to an elderly care / assisted living facility in Willis, Texas. Completed plans call for the addition of a elderly care / assisted living facility; for the demolition of a elderly care / assisted living facility; and for site work for a elderly care / assisted living facility.

New Danville Infrastructure Expansion A Bid Bond from an approved surety company-holding permit from the State of Texas will be required. The Bid Bond must be in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid amount and must accompany each bid. If applicable, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the project. A Cashier's or Certified Check or Bidder's Bond payable to the order of the OWNER, in an amount not less than 5% of the greatest amount of proposal submitted must accompany the Contractors Bid. A Performance and Payment Bond, each in an amount not less than 100% of the Contract Sum, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Contract, will be required. This is a Federal Davis-Bacon required project for which a prevailing wage rate has been prescribed. Montgomery County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Montgomery County supports and encourages business opportunities for Historically Underutilized Business (HUB), Minority Owned Business (MBE), Women's Business Enterprises (WBEs) and Small and Disadvantaged Business. The required Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals for this project are approximately 4% DBE firms if applicable. DBE firms must have the appropriate certification. Deadline for Questions: April 12, 2024 by 2:00 pm. For any questions relating to the specifications or the submission of this bid, contact Andreea Kovacs, Construction Project Coordinator via email: Andreea.Kovacs@mctx.org or by calling 936.539.7927. No bid shall be withdrawn for ninty (90) days after opening of the bids without consent of Owner. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids; to accept or reject any Alternates; to accept any bid considered advantageous; and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid which, in his judgement, is in his own best interest. TIME OF COMPLETION: If awarded a Contract for this Project, the undersigned agrees to Substantially complete the Work within sixty (60) calendar days from date of Notice to Proceed. Prior to submitting a Bid for this Project, each proposer shall have examined the site, compared it with the Drawings and Specifications, and satisfied himself as to the existing conditions under which he and his subcontractors will be required to work or that will affect the work under this Contract. No allowances will be made in behalf of Contractor or any Subcontractor, after the Contract has been signed, for any omission, error or negligence in determining these conditions.


Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - County

Addition, Demolition, Site Work



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