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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Union City, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

**As of June 3,2024, project was awarded to Elecco, awarded amount is $997,246.07.** GENERAL WORK DESCRIPTION: The work to be done at J-2 Pump Station consists, in general, of installing the District- furnished Remote Monitoring Unit and respective conduits, cables and testing of systems, including required SCADA communications and interface with die remote District Control center (951 Turner Court): providing complete, continuous, operational, and functioning systems: furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, mechanical workmanship, transportation, and all miscellaneous work necessary to complete said project. The work to be done at J-3 Pump Station consists, in general, of providing and implementing job site management: removing and disposing of underground fuel tank and all associated above and below ground appurtenances; furnishing, placing and compacting asphalt concrete, aggregate base and structure backfill; furnishing and installing transformer concrete pad per PG&E standard: furnishing and installing transformer barrier wall; furnishing and installing bollards; saw cutting, removing, and disposing CMU wall; removing and replacing exhaust air louver; removing and disposing existing genset and all associated appurtenances; furnishing and installing a new 250 KW generator set with a 660-galIon belly tank and all associated above and below ground appurtenances; furnishing and installing a remote fuel oil system; furnishing and installing structural supports for electrical and mechanical equipment and associated pipes; coordination with PG&E for installing new outdoor Utility Metering Cabinet and replacing main breaker sections of existing automatic transfer switch with bypass isolation features, motor control center, dry-type transformer, and distribution panelboards; installing District-furnished Remote Monitoring Unit (RMU); modification and installation of various sizes of 600V power, control, and lighting cables, conduits, raceways, both exposed, and underground, and grounding systems associated with the equipment replacement work; designing, submitting, furnishing, programming and verification testing of station operational controls including standby generator, automatic transfer switch, backup control panel, RMUs, and SCADA communications and interface with the remote District control center (951 Turner Court); furnishing and replacing of all existing interior lighting fixtures with new LED fixtures and respective conduits, cables, and switches, receptacles and associated appurtenances; providing complete, continuous, operational, and functioning systems; furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, mechanical workmanship, transportation, and all miscellaneous work necessary to complete said project. All questions should be directed to the Contract Administration Office at (510) 670-5450.


Water / Sewer


Public - County





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April 23, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Union City, CA

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