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Published April 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The start date for construction of this project will be no later than May 15, 2024, and the completion date will be no later than November 30, 2024. This project consists of the installation of a new traffic signal system at an existing stop-controlled intersection that contains an overhead flashing beacon. The project also includes the construction of ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection corners, incidental curb work to facilitate the curb ramp installation, and resurfacing of the roadway pavement within the intersection, and along the approach legs of the intersection to the limits shown on the construction plans. The project entails the following general quantities: Hot Mix Asphalt, Milling, 3" or less (1,521 S.Y), Roadway Excavation, Unclassified (20 C.Y.), Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Repair (305 S.Y.), Hot Mix Asphalt, 9.5M64, Surface Course (197 Tons), D.G.A.B.C, Variable Thickness (15 C.Y.), Reconstructed Inlets, Type B, New Casting (5 Units), Curb Piece (2 Units), 6"x 9"x 20" Concrete Vertical Curb (234 L.F.), Concrete Sidewalk, 4" Thick (139 S.Y.), Detectable Warning Surface (8 S.Y.), Traffic Marking Lines, 4" Wide (540 L.F.), Traffic Marking Lines, 6" Wide (580 L.F.), Traffic Marking Lines, 24" Wide (70 L.F.), Traffic Marking Symbols (112 S.F.), Regulatory and Warning Signs (50 S.F.), Overhead Street Name Signs (22 S.F.), 2" Rigid Metallic Conduit (60 L.F.), 3" Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (280 L.F.), 18" x 36" Junction Box (5 Units), Foundation, Type SFT (4 Units), Foundation, Type P-MC Modified (1 Unit), Foundation, Type SPF (4 Units), Meter Cabinet, Type T (1 Unit), Ground Wire, No. 8 AWG (380 L.F.), Service Wire, No. 8 AWG (260 L.F.), Controller, 8 Phase, w/ Generator Auxiliary Cabinet and UPS (1 Unit), Traffic Signal Standard, Aluminum (4 Units), Pedestrian Signal Standard (4 Units), Traffic Signal Mast Arm, Aluminum (4 Units), Traffic Signal Cable, 2 Conductor (830 L.F.), Traffic Signal Cable, 5 Conductor (830 S.F.), Traffic Signal Cable, 10 Conductor (840 L.F.), Traffic Signal Head (12 Units), Pedestrian Signal Head (8 Units), Push Button Assemblies, Type APS (8 Units), Radar Detection System (1 Unit / Lump Sum), Controller Turn-On (1 Unit), Optical Emergency Pre-Emption System (1 Unit / Lump Sum), Topsoil Spreading, 5" Thick (120 S.Y.), Fertilizing and Seeding, Type A-3 (120 S.Y.), Straw Mulching (120 S.Y), and all incidental items as indicated on the construction contract plans. Proposals must be made on the Standard Proposal Forms in the manner designated in Section 102 of the Contract Documents, must be hand delivered or mailed by certified mail, must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the Bidder and the name of the work on the outside, must be addressed to the Township of East Brunswick, and must be accompanied by a statement of Consent of Surety from a surety company authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey and acceptable to the Township of East Brunswick. Proposals must be made on the Standard Proposal Forms in the manner designated in Section 102 of the Contract Documents, must be hand delivered or mailed by certified mail, must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the Bidder and the name of the work on the outside, must be addressed to the Township of East Brunswick, and must be accompanied by a statement of Consent of Surety from a surety company authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey and acceptable to the Township of East Brunswick. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or cash in the amount of not less than ten (10%) percent, except that the amount shall not exceed $20,000.00, of the bid payable without any conditional endorsement as a guarantee that, in case the Contract is awarded to the bidder, he will, within 5 Municipal Business Days thereafter, execute such Contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond. Upon failure to do so he shall forfeit the deposit as liquidated damages and the acceptance of the bid will be contingent upon the fulfillment of this requirement by the bidder. No interest shall be allowed upon any such certified check or cash. A bid bond in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the bid may be substituted for certified check or cash. All bid security except the security of the three apparent lowest responsible bidders shall be returned, unless otherwise requested by the bidder, within 10 days after the opening of the bids. Sundays and holidays excepted, and the bids of such bidders shall be considered as withdrawn. Within 3 days, Sundays and holidays excepted, after the awarding and signing of the contract and the approval of the contractor's performance bond, the bid security of the remaining unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them. Each bid must also be accompanied by a certificate from a bonding company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey and acceptable to the Township guaranteeing that, if the proposal of the bidder be accepted, they will furnish the bond set forth in Subsection 103.05 of the General Conditions of the Contract and the acceptance of the bid will be contingent upon the fulfillment of this requirement. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq and N.J.A.C. 17:27. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A-27, as it may apply to this Contract, all bidders may be required to meet with qualifications established with the Department of Treasury, Division of Building and Construction. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with the provisions of the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq. A corporation submitting a bid, in response to this advertisement, shall accompany such bid with a resolution authorizing its proper officers to submit such a bid and authorize said officers to execute a contract in the event its bid is accepted. The Township of East Brunswick reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids or to waive any formalities, minor irregularities and immaterial variances in the form of bids if, in its opinion, it is in the best interest of the Township to do so. Attorneys in fact who sign contract bonds must file with each bond a certified and effectively dated copy of their power of attorney.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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April 10, 2024

May 15, 2024


Fresh Ponds Rd & Hardenburg Ln, East Brunswick, NJ

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