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Site work and paving for a civil project in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

The work under this Contract includes construction of approximately 4,940 linear feet of 4inch, 6inch, and 8inch water main including service relays and transfers, and water main construction staking; installment of 385 linear feet of 8inch sanitary sewer relay, 828 linear feet of 8inch CIPP lining, including sanitary sewer lateral reconnections, sanitary spot repairs, and sanitary sewer manhole construction and replacement; 3,032 linear feet of 12inch, 15inch, and 18inch storm sewer construction including inlet leads, storm sewer laterals, storm sewer inlet construction, storm manhole removal, and storm manhole construction; 7,000 cubic yards of excavation below subgrade, 5,500 linear feet of curb and gutter, 1,500 tons of crushed aggregate base course, 6,200 tons of HMA pavement, 33,897 square yards of milling surface, 2,042 square feet of concrete sidewalk and driveway reconstruction; 120 square feet of cast iron curb ramp detectable warning field, construction staking, and 4,000 square yards restoration. All proposals must be submitted electronically provided for that purpose and issued to the specific bidder by the Director of Public Works together a bid bond equal to at least five (5) but not more than ten (10) percent of the bid payable to the City of Green Bay as a guarantee that if his/her bid is accepted, he/she will execute and file the contract and a performance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total bid within ten (10) days after the award of the contract. Only the Proposal Pages, Bid Bond, Affidavit of Compliance, Disclosure of Ownership and any Addenda issued shall be submitted. Question Deadline 04/12/2024 All questions about the meanings or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to the Engineer in writing. Replies will be issued by addendum posted to QuestCDN to all parties recorded as having received the Contract Documents. Only questions answered by formal written addendum shall be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications shall be without legal effect. ANY DESIGN QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO THIS PROJECT SHALL BE DIRECTED TO: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 100 N. JEFFERSON STREET GREEN BAY, WI 54301 (920) 448-3100

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Green Bay, WI

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