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Published April 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Biloxi, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

The Contractor shall provide services, tools, labor supervision, management, and other incidentals necessary to mount 65" & 85" Samsung monitors to the walls in the specified buildings at Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB), Mississippi (MS). All parties have until 11 April 2024, 10:00 AM CST to submit written question in reference to the solicitation, its accompanying attachments, and/or any other matters referencing the requirement to both Ms. Erica Brown-Tanner, erica.brown_tanner@us.af.mil and cynthia.lee.2@us.af.mi DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE The Contractor shall provide services, tools, labor supervision, management, and other incidentals necessary to mount 65" & 85" Samsung monitors to the walls in the specified buildings at Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB), Mississippi (MS). 2.0 INSTALLATION 2.1 All work shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner and in keeping with generally accepted standards for similar work. Installation to include removal of all debris. 2.2 Forty-five (45) displays need to be installed and Two (2) displays need to be uninstalled and reinstalled from previous installation. The displays should be mounted in spot customer requests, should not lean excessively, should be level, should be stable on the mount, and should not be mounted off-center. The Government shall inspect all work before acceptance. All work identified during the final inspection not meeting the criteria specified by this statement of work shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Government. 2.3 The Government shall provide the wall mounts for all Forty-Seven (47) installations. 2.4 All work must be started within 2 weeks of days of date of contract award, and the period of performance (POP) should b The Contractor shall install the following (45) displays in the locations noted below. A. (2) 65" Displays to be installed at: Thomson Hall, Bldg. 4213, 108 Phantom Street, using the government provided wall mounts. (1) 65" Display - 2 nd Floor Rm 248 (1) 65" Display - 3 rd Floor Rm 353 B. (2) 85" Displays to be installed at: Dolan Hall, Bldg. 4116, 613 Hanger Road, using the government provided wall mounts. (1) 85" Display - 2 nd Floor Rms 223 & 225 C. (38) 85" Displays to be installed at: Stennis Hall, Bldg. 1002, 601 1st Street, using the government provided wall mounts. (2) 85" Displays - 1 st Floor Rms 140 & 142 (2) 85" Displays - 2 nd Floor Rms 260 & 261




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Multiple Locations, Biloxi, MS

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