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Renovation of an educational facility in Hampton, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 7,297-square-foot educational facility.
Re-roof Smith Elementary - The project scope is generally comprised of the roof replacement of approximately 7,297 +/- square feet, including new gutters, downspouts, and trim metal and cleaning and sealing of exposed concrete canopy. The roof replacement Work includes the removal of the existing roof systems along with the corresponding flashings and existing insulations as outlined in detail below. The Work includes the installation of a new single ply PVC/KEE membrane roof system, corresponding flashing, roof insulation and drainage accessories. B. All necessary precautions shall be taken during construction to protect the existing roof systems on adjacent roof areas which shall remain. No material or debris shall be stored or transferred over any of the roof areas not included in the project. C. Maintain the building in watertight condition throughout this Contract. Do not permit water to build up on the roof. Provide power hook-ups and pumps on the roof to remove rain that occurs before slopes to drains are achieved. Interior of building to be kept free of water entry of ANY amount throughout the entire roof replacement process. 1. The roofing over each roof area shall be placed so as to have no more roof area open and/or under construction than can be made watertight at the end of each workday. D. Existing Roof System Compositions: Note: It is the roofing contractor's sole responsibility to field verify all existing conditions prior to submitting their bid. Roof Areas A, B & C (7,297 SF +/-) 1. Painted Metal Deck (no existing slope - exposed Deck @ Area B) 2. 1-1/2-Inch Polyisocyanurate Insulation (mech attached) 3. 1-ply Fiberglass Felt (mopped in asphalt, possibly temporary waterproofing during installation) 4. Tapered Polyisocyanurate Insulation (mopped in asphalt) 5. 60 Mil Fully Adhered EPDM Area D - Exposed Concrete Canopy - 132 sf +/- E. New Roof System Compositions: Note: It is the contractor's responsibility to verify that the proposed roof system composition meets the manufacturers and building code requirements prior to submitting their bid. Roof Areas A, B & C (7,297 SF +/-) 1. Painted metal deck (repaired or replaced as required - exposed Deck @ Area B)) 2. New 3-Inch Polyisocyanurate Insulation (mechanically attached - fasteners to be white @ Roof Area B 3. New 1/4 -inch per foot Tapered Polyisocyanurate Insulation 1 1/2 " minimum thickness (adhered w/ two-part low-rise polyurethane foam) 4. New 1/2 " cover board (adhered w/ two-part low-rise polyurethane foam) 5. New 60 Mil PVC single ply membrane - (fully adhered) Area D - Exposed Concrete Canopy - 132 sf +/- 1. For area D, the existing exposed concrete shall be power washed clean using Simple Green Concrete and Driveway cleaner Model # S-25039 and then the concrete shall be sealed with two (2) coats of Sherwin Williams H&C Clarishield Water-Based Wet Look Clear Concrete Sealer 4. Remove abandoned roof curbs at locations shown on roof plan drawings and install new steel roof deck matching existing roof deck profile secured to steel bar joist. Fasten new metal deck of the same gauge, configuration, and profile to the existing structure. New metal deck shall be the same length and span as the existing decking. Fasten every deck flute at the bar joist using self- tapping hex head washer screws. Fasten perimeter side laps at midpoint of joist spacing (maximum every 36" o.c.) using self-tapping hex head washer screws. Welding of the replacement metal deck will not be allowed. The contractor must provide an interior spotter with cellular phone or radio device to communicate with roof top personnel during all roof deck replacement. 5. Raise existing condensate lines as needed to accommodate new insulation heights. 6. Furnish and install new treated wood blocking to replace deteriorated at all roof perimeters, roof curbs, expansion joints and all other locations as required by the roof system manufacturer's standard requirements. Unit prices, as outlined in Section 01026, shall be used as an Add/Deduct from the lump sum bid dollar amount. The Contractor's on-site representative shall keep a daily log and running total of areas of roof deck replacement / repairs with daily signatures being obtained from the Owner's on site representative. 7. Install new wood blocking (as required) to accommodate the height of the new roof insulation system and provide a minimum 8" flashing height (to be included in the Base Bid - unit cost will not apply to these items). 8. Remove areas of deteriorated or damaged metal roof deck and replace with new to match the existing type, gauge, configuration, thickness or size. Unit prices, as outlined in Section 01026, shall be used as an Add/Deduct from the lump sum bid dollar amount. The Contractor's on site representative shall keep a daily log and running total of areas of roof deck replacement / repairs with daily signatures being obtained from the Owner's on site representative. 9. If required, wire brush, properly clean and paint areas of corroded metal roof decking with Sherwin Williams B66W1 DTM. Unit prices, as provided in Section 01026, shall be used as and Add/Deduct from the lump sum bid dollar amount. The Contractor shall keep a daily log and running total of areas of decking treatment with daily signatures being obtained from the Owner's project manager. 10. Remove all abandoned equipment as indicated on the roof plans or instructed by the Owner. Repair all holes in the roof deck as required to provide a structurally sound roof deck condition at all locations of equipment removal (to be included in the Base Bid - unit cost will not apply to these items). 11. On all roof areas, furnish and install new flat and/or tapered polyisocyanurate insulation (mechanically attached or adhered) as specified and required by Section 07220 - Roof Insulation. On roof area B, insulation fasteners must be white. 12. Furnish and install new crickets, drain sumps or tapered edge strips as required or shown to provide positive drainage. 13. Furnish and install new 1/2 -inch cover board adhered with roof membrane manufacturer's approved insulation adhesive. Cover board must be installed after new crickets and drain sumps (if any). 14. Furnish and install a new single ply PVC/KEE membrane fully adhered over the newly installed and prepared substrate with selected roof membrane manufacturer's approved bonding adhesives. 15. Furnish and install new base flashing and stripping at all walls, curbs, expansion joints, gravel stop edges and other roof penetrations with proper termination as required or shown. 16. Furnish and install new termination bar and metal counter flashings as required or shown. 17. Furnish and install new perimeter edge metals, drip edges, gutters, conductor heads and downspouts as required or shown. a. Provide new concrete splash blocks on grade at all new downspout locations unless connected to existing ground drain leaders. 18. Furnish and install new manufacturer's protective walk pads around all motorized equipment, entrance doors, roof hatches and stationary ladders. 19. For area D, clean the existing exposed concrete by power washing using Simple Green Concrete and Driveway cleaner Model # S-25039 and then seal exposed concrete surface with Sherwin Williams H&C Clarishield Water-Based Wet Look Clear Concrete Sealer. Cleaning and sealing shall be as per the manufacturer's recommendations. Minority-Owned, Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate. All questions regarding this solicitation shall be submitted in writing to by no later than 3:00 PM EST on April 23, 2024. Questions must be submitted in writing; telephonic inquiries will not be considered. Minorities (MBE) 4.34% Non-minority women (WBE) 3.82%
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April 30, 2024
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379 Woodland Rd, Hampton, VA
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